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Search Results for 'pineal gland'

Lions Gate 8/8 Light Codes Revealed In This Pineal Gland Activation

Lions Gate 8/8 Light Codes Revealed In This Pineal Gland Activation

By on August 7, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The Lion’s Gate Portal is one of my favorite portals of the year. To celebrate the energies, I went into meditation to receive guidance from my team on what to share with all of you. The visuals began and I received a very potent download that activates the pineal gland to reveal your own personal light codes.

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11 Ways to Decalcify the Pineal Gland

11 Ways to Decalcify the Pineal Gland

By on June 8, 2019 in Health, Meditation with 0 Comments

This how-to list will give you a reference point for exercises and ways to help with pineal gland decalcification.  Your pineal gland, also referred to as the 3rd eye, is a small endocrine gland in the geometric center part of your brain.  It is home to the ajna (brow) chakra and its energy is of psychic and spiritual phenomena.

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DMT, The Pineal Gland And The Experience Of Death

DMT, The Pineal Gland And The Experience Of Death

By on January 22, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

DMT is a chemical found in the body that is also used recreationally as a hallucinogenic among people. It has been the subject of scientific research on why this particular chemical exists in the body. Scientifically, DMT affects the consciousness through the transmission of chemicals in the brain.

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The Law of One, Pineal Glands & Meditation: Awakening Collective Consciousness

The Law of One, Pineal Glands & Meditation: Awakening Collective Consciousness

By on December 10, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

If you truly want to see positive change in the world, then you’ll want to seriously consider using meditation as one of your biggest avenues.

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CME’s & Strengthening The Geomagnetic Field With Your Pineal Gland

CME’s & Strengthening The Geomagnetic Field With Your Pineal Gland

By on September 20, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Nicole Frolick, Guest Writer, Last week our sun released the strongest Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) heading straight towards our planet in 12 years. There was some disruption amongst our communication devices like our cell phones. I know mine was acting up in very weird ways for a day or so. This CME inspired […]

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Pineal Gland Activation! Man Opens 3rd Eye With A Magnet

Pineal Gland Activation! Man Opens 3rd Eye With A Magnet

By on May 16, 2017 in Health, Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Have you ever heard the expression, ‘Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it‘?  Many people are trying to find ways to fully open their pineal glands but one person in particular may have gotten more than he desired. By using the […]

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Energy Update – Physical Cleansing, Pineal Gland Activation

Energy Update – Physical Cleansing, Pineal Gland Activation

By on September 25, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Lisa Brown, Aloha beautiful light family! Are you ready? Really really really really really ready? Frequencies are lifting us, we are going higher…. pineal activations commence. For those experiencing the “PHYSICAL AFFECTS” OF your SOUL/Higher Self/Source Light activating INSIDE of your body (LightBody), honor this… it’s mega important! Your entire physical being is going […]

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Top 6 Supplements To Boost Your Pineal Gland Function

Top 6 Supplements To Boost Your Pineal Gland Function

By on November 2, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

The pineal gland, an endocrine gland located in the brain, is said to be the seat of the soul. Also referred to as the Third Eye, this small gland is believed to be involved in reaching higher levels of consciousness, acting as a gateway to dimensions beyond our brain-created reality. For the people that seek […]

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The Pineal Gland – Activating Your Third Eye

The Pineal Gland – Activating Your Third Eye

By on June 15, 2015 in Meditation, Spiritual Awakening

by bibliotecapleyades Is it possible that you literally have a third eye that connects you to spiritual dimensions? The pineal gland is something as that is spoken  as being the intuition organ and the connection point between body and spirit, but very few people realize that the pineal gland is in fact a literal eye. […]

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Decalcify The Pineal Gland With Alkaline Foods

Decalcify The Pineal Gland With Alkaline Foods

By on May 26, 2015 in Health with 0 Comments

Charge up your third eye (pineal gland) with high-vibrating, nutritionally enriched foods and drinks!

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The Pineal Gland : A Stargate To Time Travel

The Pineal Gland : A Stargate To Time Travel

By on March 21, 2015 in Meditation

The Pineal Gland is a hyper dimensional stargate built into our human physiology which enables us to Time Travel. This technology was reverse engineered by the ancient Atlantean society. The stargate functions by the use of ordinary water, H2O. When shielded off from all of the electromagnetic references to our existing 3rd dimensional space/time… the […]

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Pineal Gland: Portal Of Higher Dimensions

Pineal Gland: Portal Of Higher Dimensions

By on March 14, 2015 in Meditation

The following is an exceptional article on the pineal gland by Dr. Terry Willard, world renown leader and pioneer in the field of herbal medicine. by Dr. Terry Willard One of the most wondrous parts of our physical body is the Pineal Gland.  It is also called the epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis, conarium or the “Third […]

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Cannabis And The Pineal Gland : Turn On The Third Eye

Cannabis And The Pineal Gland : Turn On The Third Eye

By on March 2, 2015 in Meditation with 0 Comments

The Pineal Gland or the ‘Seat of the Soul’ as described by Rene Descartes, is the focal point of our spiritual guiding system which makes us go beyond the five senses of rationality and become multisensory, tuned into and aware of higher dimensions of consciousness within a holographic cosmos. Cannabis or Marijuana among other psychedelics facilitates the activation of the pineal gland and helps turn on the third eye or the mind’s eye directing our spiritual evolution to wholeness.

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Melatonin, the Pineal Gland, Your 3rd Eye, and Crop Circles

Melatonin, the Pineal Gland, Your 3rd Eye, and Crop Circles

By on February 21, 2015 in Extraterrestrials

What is the relationship between melatonin, the pineal gland and our 3rd eye? How does a recent ‘melatonin crop circle’ relate to our world today?

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10 Questions About The Pineal Gland That Add To The Mystery Of Spirituality

10 Questions About The Pineal Gland That Add To The Mystery Of Spirituality

By on February 4, 2015 in Meditation with 0 Comments

The following article, 10 Questions About The Pineal Gland That Add To The Mystery Of Spirituality, will help to unlock many questions you have regarding the pineal glad, your 3rd eye, and much more in the spiritual realms!

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Melatonin Supplement To Open Pineal Gland

Melatonin Supplement To Open Pineal Gland

By on January 23, 2015 in Health

The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the ‘third eye’) is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces Melatonin , a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and photoperiodic (seasonal) functions.

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A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland Is More Important Than Ever

A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland Is More Important Than Ever

By on January 16, 2015 in Meditation with 0 Comments

There has been some controversy over the activity of adding synthetic fluoride to municipal water supplies and elsewhere, but not enough. The seriousness of this issue is more than what most realize. Fluoridation ranks with GMO’s and tainted, forced vaccinations among the great crimes against humanity.

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Pineal Gland’s Third Eye – The Biggest Cover-up in Human History

Pineal Gland’s Third Eye – The Biggest Cover-up in Human History

By on January 14, 2015 in Awareness, Meditation with 0 Comments

The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the “third eye”) is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is […]

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Wearing Sunglasses Can Affect Your Pineal Gland

Wearing Sunglasses Can Affect Your Pineal Gland

By on January 13, 2015 in Enlightening Articles, Meditation

Compiled by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, More and more people are wearing sunglasses, even if the sun is not shining bright and I see also that little children (toddlers) have sunglasses on. I remember an article by Dr. Ornstein in the Let’s live Magazine in October 1980 were it is explained […]

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Top 8 Supplements To Boost Your Pineal Gland Function

Top 8 Supplements To Boost Your Pineal Gland Function

By on January 12, 2015 in Enlightening Articles, Health, Meditation

by Anna Hunt, The pineal gland, an endocrine gland located in the br,ain, is said to be the seat of the soul. Also referred to as the Third Eye, this small gland is believed to be involved in reaching higher levels of consciousness, acting as a gateway to dimensions beyond our brain-created reality. For the […]

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Activating Your Pineal Gland

Activating Your Pineal Gland

By on January 6, 2015 in Health, Meditation with 0 Comments

Activating your pineal gland can be done in several, easy steps!

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Andrew Norton Webber – Distilled Water and the Pineal Gland

Andrew Norton Webber – Distilled Water and the Pineal Gland

By on February 9, 2012 in Health with 0 Comments

My Guest is ANDREW NORTON WEBBER. I first heard about Andrew’s work through my friend and guest, Diana Luppi who wrote one of my favorite books, “ET:101 the Instruction Manual”. She had been listening to an internet radio broadcast by Chrissy McMahon interviewing Andrew Norton Webber.

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Energy Report – Pineal And Hippocampus Activations Gifted From The Eclipse Corridor

Energy Report – Pineal And Hippocampus Activations Gifted From The Eclipse Corridor

By on August 3, 2018 in Energy Updates

by Kim Semetis, Contributing Writer, For about a month before the full moon eclipse we were in a state of complete and total bliss. I call it “blissed out”. This is a state of total euphoria- happy and peaceful, just because. This truly is our natural state, yet we had forgotten. This lasted until July […]

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Pineal Powers: My 1st Seen Negative Entity & Activating Your Psychic Gifts

Pineal Powers: My 1st Seen Negative Entity & Activating Your Psychic Gifts

By on April 20, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

by Nicole Frolick, Guest Writer, That tiny little gland in the middle of your brain is a force to be reckoned with. When you decalcify and activate its potential, you begin to bring your psychic gifts online. Meditation is the fastest and strongest activator to do this. And one night, while in meditation, I […]

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The Pineal Projector

The Pineal Projector

By on September 29, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Jetson White, Contributing Writer, If you’ve ever seen an old-school projector that uses a slide carousel, you’ve seen how the Pineal Gland and Pituitary Gland work together to project out your holographic reality. In regard to the Pineal Gland, there are two things that require clarification before I go further. First, there is no […]

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