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Soul Signs And Synchronicities

By on October 24, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Soul Signs And Synchronicities

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by Adeana M. Slater,
Contributing Writer,

You have known when these messages are coming in for you to pay attention to and expand on. These individual messages are for you to become aware of initially and then flex your soul muscles to push you out, further, and beyond your limited beliefs. Know in your heart that any attempt to reach you within and without is your higher self wringing your “soul bell.” WAKE UP. Is the message. Feel this in our heart and know your soul Mission is just in front of you. Waiting for you to embrace it and grasp hold.


These messages come in many forms. But are you paying attention? Your soul cries and your prayers have been heard. The answer is not what you expected it to be. But have you heard the answer?? Truthfully? Stop your mind. Now Listen. Do you hear it? The truth of your soul beating tirelessly to the same drum you have lived for so long. That drum is NOT your truth. It’s an illusion completely. Now direct your attention to what resonates with you NOW in your actual moment of time.

Can you SEE and FEEL this difference? You are made aware that you don’t resonate with the man-made illusions any longer. Most of you have stepped into your own individual Divine Power and Mission now. Relationships don’t define you. Outside circumstances don’t define you. Belief systems don’t define you. Expectations are non existent now. You live in a place of ABSOLUTE FREEDOM.


Related article: Carl Jung – The Man Who Coined The Word ‘Synchronicity’

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You are here to SHINE. You would not be here otherwise. So let your soul SHINE for all the multiverse to see and feel. Pay attention to the messages that surround you. Your angels and guides have one question:



Listen to those songs. Watch the license plates in front of you: often times a sequence or pattern is your message. Look it up. What “needs to go” is repeated sneezing, coughing, throwing up, or dry heaves. It’s like 10+ times in a row. This is not obviously normal. It’s for you to pay attention. Often times what’s abnormal for you is your message. The “abnormal” is to get your attention. Again, “Are you listening?”

Ask yourself this.


~Adeana M. Slater

About the author: Adeana M. Slater is an Empath, Lightworker, and Twin Flame who enjoys to write spiritual and inspirational articles in her free time to encourage the collective towards self love, soul empowerment, and higher consciousness.

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