Spiritual Apprehension And Anxiety
by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,
Australian Correspondent, In5D.com
WE ARE STILL IN A (Triple Gateway) TRANSITION and this is bringing up old fears and anxiety.
Of trusting and letting go of the old and the old ‘familiar’ energy that we once or recently were residing in.
Apprehension of the New…of also feeling so much more with others’ energies as well.
Nervous systems are feeling a bit ‘wired’ with this as well.
A New Protection method that came from the Divine today for this is to picture and FEEL oneself inside a GOLDEN EGG of energy. With mirrors on the outside, reflecting any energy off you.
This needs to be done consciously and re-checked as one goes about their way in what ever one is needing to do.
See how you go with this, as it is quite powerful and does ‘work’.
As I too felt others’ energies and did the Wagon Wheel method and all I ‘knew’ and then asked for ‘something else’ and this is what was given.
And as soon as I did this and felt myself in my Golden Egg of energy, it shifted me to be in my own personal space of the Divine.
As always I am right here with you.
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos
6D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer
Australian Correspondent in5d
Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available.
About the author: Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both – of the Divine – through human embodiment of being in 6D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity.
You are welcome to share this post and others, with full credit given to the author and is kept in original complete content and intact. All rights reserved. Anastacia Kompos 2017. Copyright © 2016-2017
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