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ITS STARTED! The Bifurcation Of Time

By on July 23, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

ITS STARTED! The Bifurcation Of Time

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by Nikki Colombo,Editor – Contact Online Magazine
Contributing Writer,

Time as we know it is splitting. It’s called the bifurcation of time. The vibration of light and sound frequency is splitting, so basically those who haven’t awakened will disappear from your reality.  You’re heading into a new reality that will surround and encompass you.  It was also called dimensional blending.  Ir looks like we’ve just come out of that and now that the dimensions are splitting, we will probably find more strange anomalies happening too.


Reports are coming in about time distortions. Here’s a recent experience from a client of mine:

“All the clocks in my house are either going back in time or forward in time and I’m on my third wrist watch, a brand new one in three weeks… the third one!”

Here is an excerpt from Ashayana Deane explaining the Ascension Mechanics:

At the height of the morphogenetic wave crest, during the half-point in the cycle, there is an approximately three-day period when Earth’s magnetic fields temporarily collapse as the spin of particles and anti-particles slows, polarity again reverses, and the angle of particle rotation shifts back 45 degrees to its original position. Within that three day period, particle Earth returns to its Harmonic Universe 1 (HU) time cycle in the particle universe, and anti-particle Tara (original Earth) returns to its HU-2 time cycle in the HU-2 anti-particle universe. There will be difficulty with the functioning of earthly electrical and magnetic devices during this period, and the human mind and body will experience an excessive feeling of tension, pressure and fatigue. Strange atmospheric anomalies may occur, including a prolonged period of darkness and daylight, and the possible appearance of a double moon, depending upon the balance of the Earth’s grid. These symptoms will release as soon as the transfer of time cycles is completed, but during the three day period tremendous stress will be placed upon the human’s body, mind and emotions.

My advice as these Full Moon energies and the cosmic alignment increase these energies is:

  1. Go to the beach and swim in the ocean or have a salt bath
  2. Get some Sage and or Frankincense and burn it through the house and breath it in
  3. Take yourself to a movie
  4. Do the 12d shield

12-D Shield by Lisa Renee

This means unity between male and female, the geometry directs balance between the masculine and feminine energies that exist within every human being, whether male or female form. All humans are intrinsically made up of gender principle energies, masculine and feminine, of which are designed to come into Unity and Harmony.


I love you ALL

Nikki ColomboAbout the author: Nikki Colombo experienced a full blown spontaneous Kundalini Rising event in 2007 that catapulted a “Starseed Awakening” opening her third eye to perceive multidimensional realities and communication with the Evolutionary forces of Light known as the Melchizedek Guardians. Her spiritual mission is to support humanity through its evolution with education and awareness and by consulting the impacts of the energy shifts upon the planet, and human consciousness. She is an Empath, Intuitive, Spiritual Guide and Healer, NDE- Near Death Experiencer, a Walk In, Researcher, Writer, Psychic, Astrologist, Numerologist, Contactee, ET Experiencer, Chakra Clearer, Starseed and Tarot Reader. You can personal message me for Private Consultations, Guest Workshops, Retreats and Events. I perform all intuitive guidance under the most Inspirational, Spiritual and Sacred Insight to ensure the highest value it is delivered to my clients serving you with the full extent of my knowledge, wisdom, skills and talents.

In5D Addendum

Gregg Prescott, M.S.,

On July 18th, I told Michele that I’d meet her and her son at a local restaurant for breakfast at 8:30 am.  I looked at my cellphone and my clock said 8:20, so I made a quick post on Facebook, then glanced at the time on my laptop.  It said 8:50  I jumped in my car and arrived at the restaurant at 8:30, according to my cellphone. Apparently, the time on my laptop was correct but my cellphone was off 29 minutes, according to Michele’s son.

I manually adjusted the time on my cellphone and then went to ,my setting and clicked “Automatic Date & Time”.  As soon as I did that, my clock reverted back to being 29 minutes off.

Fortunately, Michele was running late due to traffic and was 15 minutes late.

Because we were running a little bit late, as we left we saw this flock of herons walk by in the parking lot:

If the clock on my cellphone was working properly, we wouldn’t have seen that!

I always look to see what message any given animal or bird is giving us.  This is the heron’s message:

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It is time to look deeper into aspects of your life that will bring out innate wisdom and show you how to become self-reliant. Are you grounding yourself regularly? Heron teaches that grounding yourself in the earth and your spiritual beliefs will help you discover emotional insights more clearly and more quickly.

I’ve been writing about GROUNDING often on my Facebook page:

I can’t overemphasize this enough!


Getting back to the topic of time, I found time anomaly this very strange.  By the next day, my cellphone corrected itself but for 24 hours, it was off 29 minutes.

Of course, the numerology of 29 = 2 + 9 = 11

Sending you all infinite Love & Light,


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About the Author:
Gregg Prescott, M.S.Gregg Prescott, M.S., is the founder and editor of  In5D and Zentasia. In 2009, Gregg launched In5D after experiencing what he describes as a “galactic download,” which provided him with the name “In5D” and the guidance to create the website. He co-owns In5D Club  with his beautiful wife, Ali. His In5D Facebook page has over 370,000 followers, and his In5D YouTube channel has amassed 146,000 followers. Gregg is a visionary, author, a transformational speaker, and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents.  Follow Gregg and In5D on various social media platforms, including Rumble, YouTube, Gab, TelegramIn5D Bitchute, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and TruthSocial to stay updated on his latest content and events./

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