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Super Full Moon In Virgo: Finding Your Soul’s Purpose

By on February 19, 2019 in Astrology

Super Full Moon In Virgo: Finding Your Soul's Purpose

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by Matthew John,
Contributing writer,

Happy Super Full Moon in Virgo! This Super Full Moon becomes exact on February 19 at 10:53 AM EST (15:53 GMT).


A SUPER Full Moon means that the moon is physically closer to the planet than usual, thus amplifying its energetic effects. This happens to be the ‘superest’ Full Moon of all of 2019, as the moon will be at its closest point to Earth for this calendar year. That makes this Full Moon EXTRA potent!

This Virgo moon urges us to search for our deepest purpose here on the planet. What is it that you are really meant to bring forth during this lifetime that you’ve been given? What kind of legacy do you wish to leave behind when this physical life is all said and done? What is that THING that really gives you that deep, fulfilling sense of purpose?

For me, what gives me that deep sense of purpose is doing the work that I’m doing through my writing, videos, and working one-on-one with people from around the globe. It feels incredible to have found my calling and my life’s work! I wish for each and every one of you that you also find your life’s work. And I am certainly here to help you with that.

But I also have discovered that purpose isn’t as simple as the type of work you are meant to do in this lifetime. Purpose is a much more complex thing, with many sides to the story. One answer to What is my purpose? is whatever is in front of you right now!

Your purpose is truly in every moment. You will find that if you do anything with a sense of purpose, the activity itself suddenly becomes enjoyable. It is quite possible to wash the dishes with purpose, run and errand with purpose, and

care for your kids or pets with purpose. That feeling of purpose is created through the power of your intention and willpower. It has the power to turn the mundane into the magical!


It is certainly a powerful spiritual lesson to start living every day with a strong sense of purpose–to start to feel the deep and powerful purpose in cooking yourself dinner or walking your dog. But let’s talk for a minute about another aspect of purpose: what are you meant to bring forth?

If you have been feeling like there’s something gnawing at you—like there’s MORE to this life than what you’ve been experiencing, then you are really feeling the call of this Virgo Super Full Moon attempting to PUSH you forward. This Super Moon is absolutely requesting that you step up your game.

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I have dubbed 2019 as ‘a breakout year for Lightworkers’. The January Eclipses served to really break down and clear out all of the patterns, connections, and energies that no longer serve us going forward in 2019. February is all about actually moving forward in the physical world. It’s about taking all of the wisdom you have accrued over these past few years of intense and constant energy upgrades and life experience and creating the life you really want to live!

One of the most common question that I get asked is What is my purpose? Although I did just answer this from a couple of different perspectives, allow me to provide another. If some sort of career or line of work is in your Life Plan, life will find a way to put you exactly into that position.

I never, ever, ever dreamed about being a Life Coach or a Spiritual Teacher or a healer. I always thought I would end up in entertainment. I grew up as a totally ‘normal’ kid who was into sports, comedy, journalism, and traveling. In fact, I was an atheist. But life, through its infinite wisdom, created a series of events for me which catalyzed my Awakening journey: a multidimensional experience of ‘cosmic orgasms’ one night alone in the woods; a traumatic breakup with the girl who had been the love of my life; books falling off the shelves at bookstores for me to read and start to become wise; an onset of chronic illness—and well, that’s just the start of it.

The truth is, my life has been so bizarre that even my incredibly creative and imaginative mind couldn’t have written a script as wild as what I’ve experienced. Only something as infinite and perfect as the Universe could ever have conceived of such a fantastical plan for me.

There is a perfectly written plan for you. So many of you reading this really are meant to become spiritual leaders. Many of you are meant to serve as coaches, energy healers and bodyworkers; others of you are meant to transform the more ‘3D’ industries from the inside. Some of you are meant to bounce around to a whole bunch of different places on the planet and a whole bunch of different occupations (this is what we call a Type I Indigo).

Life will do whatever it takes to get you to exactly where you need to be and to be doing precisely what you’re meant to be doing! Life never fails at this. It is undefeated. Which means, where you are now is exactly where you’re meant to be, for now! You have not gone off path. You are exactly where you need to be.

That being said, which direction does it feel like life is calling for you to take from here? If you could be really honest with yourself, what is your Soul asking for you to bring forth? Where and how is your Soul imploring for you to step forward? How do you need to take better care of yourself?

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We are physical beings and spiritual beings at the same time. Is this relationship between the spiritual and the physical balanced within you? While the tendency for the general ‘3D’ public can be to be disconnected from the spiritual while overly-invested in the physical, the inclination for many Lightworkers is the polar opposite. If you constantly feel ungrounded or tired, or are going through some sort of chronic illness, this is a sure sign that your physical body needs more of your conscious attention.

It is very important to get on board with doing whatever your physical body needs you to do for it this year. If your physical body could speak to you, what might it say? If you are chronically ill and have been avoiding addressing your illness on a root level, this is the year to really give your body every possible tool to heal! If you need to detox, this is the year! If you would like to have more energy, feel clearer and cleaner, or be leaner, now is the time!

If you just don’t know where to turn or how to get started with addressing long-term chronic illness or detoxing with food, vitamins, and herbs, please consider scheduling an Intuitive Nutrition Reading with me:….


The Sun entered Pisces on February 18, where it will remain until the Equinox. In this lead up to Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, allow your dreams to be vivid and honor the callings of your intuition. Allow the whispers of your Soul to direct you into your next steps.

Fiery Mars is in steady, goal-oriented Taurus until March 31. This means that it can be easy to get stubborn and complacent, BUT if you are able to avoid this trap it is a wonderful time to really start building the structure for new projects and undertakings for 2019. It’s a great time to plan. Orient your planning towards the long haul.


Chiron, the Wounded Healer, entered Aries on February 18, where it will remain until 2027! During this time, we will have the opportunity to individually and collectively heal our core wounds around our value and our ‘right to exist’.

It is such a common thread that every single Lightworker I have worked with (including myself) has this as one of their Soul Lessons: learning to value themselves as their Higher Self and the Universe does.

As human beings, we all carry around this core wound of not really ever feeling totally welcome or whole. This stems from our genetic history. Long ago, our DNA was intentionally modified by the Reptilians to suppress our higher capacities. The Matrix has been built around us to calcify our pineal glands and keep us disconnected from our Spiritual Selves.

The Ascension is undoing this programming, we are physically detoxifying, and our dormant DNA is coming back online as we transition from our current bodies into 5D hmo divinuses or Divine HU-mans.

As we heal this core wound around our right to exist on this planet, we empower the collective of humanity to continue to vibrationally ascend to a higher and higher collective frequency. As this collective frequency continues to rise, the structures of the Matrix which are bent on suppressing our inherent Divinity shall naturally fall away.

So it is not only of Service to yourself, but of Service to the WHOLE of HU-manity, to work on your value, self-worth, and self-esteem. Ask yourself this question: how does my Higher Self see me? How does God/Universe/Source see me?

Your Higher Self and God/Universe/Source sees you as nothing short of Perfection and Divinity. You are One with the All. You are Love. This is your Truest Essence. You Are A Divine Human! Any belief that falls short of this means that you have become stuck in the realm of illusion.

This is perfectly OK, as wherever you are is exactly where you need to be, for now. But life is asking that we all step into deeper and deeper communion with our own inherent and eternal Divinity.

Wishing you Blessings of Expansion, Joy, and Passion on this Virgo Super Full Moon!

With Love,

Matthew John

About the authorMatthew John is an internationally-known Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive Healer & Speaker. He offers inspirational and educational articles and videos on his website and Facebook page. He also offers powerful private sessions worldwide via phone and Skype, including Intuitive Healing & Coaching Sessions, Soul Plan Readings, Spiritual Mentoring (Awakening Coaching) Sessions, Starseed Coaching Sessions, Intuitive Nutrition Readings, and Chakra Scans. You can check out his work and book readings and sessions at

Image: Pixabay

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