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Tag: 5th dimensional

Seeing The Unseen

Seeing The Unseen

By on June 7, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

by Teri Wade, Contributing Writer, Seeing The Unseen Seeing the unseen, hearing the unheard, feeling the invisible. Ascension is not an action it’s a state of mind and a frequency of heart. The frequency of heart should be a constant focus. Ascension is the process of you returning back to you before beginning the […]

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5D Here And Now

5D Here And Now

By on November 23, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

When we are contemplating the past or the 5D future, we are in our heads. When we are within the now, we are in our hearts. For the heart is from the octave of here and now, or no time. Whereas the mind, works within our 3rd/4th density perceptions of time; by design.

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The Dangers Of The ‘Spiritual Box’

The Dangers Of The ‘Spiritual Box’

By on August 24, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Have you been labeled a ‘Spiritual’ person only to be judged down the road for something that many do NOT consider to be very spiritual? Welcome to the club.

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Ascension Update – Love Your Bodies Through The Shifts

Ascension Update – Love Your Bodies Through The Shifts

By on April 15, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

It can feel pretty daunting as our energetic bodies are activated to hold increased light photons. Often our physical bodies lag behind, the pendulum swing of energetic emotions and physical symptoms felt when we feel super high then can feel super flat is our light bodies integrating with our physical bodies to become less 3d dense. Of course any energy that is not of the light starts to shift and comes up for release.

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Beyond The 3rd Dimension

Beyond The 3rd Dimension

By on January 12, 2017 in Enlightening Articles, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the 3rd dimension and how thoughts can become instant manifestations?

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26 Questions: Is Ascension Really Happening?

26 Questions: Is Ascension Really Happening?

By on May 7, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The Earth has evolved to a point where she is ready to move to a higher frequency dimension. This is a normal evolutionary step for all life in the universe. This process is called ascension. The dimension is the 5th. Everyone and everything ascends when their energy vibration reaches a specific frequency of Light.

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Love In The 5th Dimension

Love In The 5th Dimension

By on October 31, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

We all know that there are many different kinds of love.  There is romantic love, the love between parent and child, the love between siblings, the love between friends, the love between pet owner and pet, and many other kinds of love.  However, when we speak of love in the 5th dimension, we are not limited to these kinds of love.  Fifth dimensional love includes all of these kinds of love, and it also extends beyond the confines of 3rd dimension love to include other types of love.

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Agartha – The Hollow Inner Earth

Agartha – The Hollow Inner Earth

By on April 14, 2015 in Awareness with 0 Comments

Agartha and the hollow inner earth are written in public records, so why did we not learn about this in school?

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Why The Law Of Attraction Fails For Many People And How To Make It Work For YOU!

Why The Law Of Attraction Fails For Many People And How To Make It Work For YOU!

By on April 6, 2015 in Awareness

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Why are so many dreams shattered through the Law of Attraction?  What would you manifest if you could wish for anything your heart desired? Desires, Ramifications and Consequences Have you considered how your life would change if you could manifest anything upon desire?  While this premise […]

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Residing In The 5th Dimension

Residing In The 5th Dimension

By on January 27, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Christie Pennington Many have asked us “How do we live within 5th dimensional awareness now?” Consistency is what you question as though you may enter a doorway never to return. You must understand this process is not so unilateral. It involves stages and progressions laterally back and forth for attunement. So it is that […]

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