Tag: black hole

6 Signs You Are Falling Into A Phantom Matrix Timeline
As defined by Keylontic Science, the Phantom Matrix is a Black Hole System created by the Fallen Angelics design to continually drain and accrete energy and consciousness from our living Time Matrix. Being in a state of chaos is a signature trait of the phantom matrix.

The Earth’s Magnetic Field And Consciousness
by Tom Kenyon The magnetic field of earth is involved in a perturbation or morphing. This is taking place interdimensionally, and the net effect is incremental surges in amplitude or strength of the magnetic field. This morphing of earth’s magnetic field is like a wave that rises and falls very quickly, and the oscillations are […]

Will You Step Through The Lion’s Gate Opening On August 8th?
by Jocelyn Daher, The Spirit Science, There are many aspects to this stargate and I am going to be going through the significance of this event as well as how to utilize this time to it greatest ability. If you are listening this is the perfect time to ignite your energy power generator! For thousands […]

Gargantuan UFO Photographed While Taking Off from The Sun – Evidence Of Portal Travel?
Skywatchers using the solar visualization tool Helioviewer managed to capture a strange object the size of Earth’s moon just as it was blasting off from the surface of the Sun.

Is The Latest “Floating City” Proof Of A Dimensional Shift?
Numerous “floating cities” have been recorded throughout the world and this phenomenon has raised the eyebrows of many as to why this is occurring.

Scientists Witness Black Hole Swallowing Star For First Time Ever
by Avaneesh Pandey, International Business Times Black holes are known for their voracious appetites. These bodies — formed when a massive star collapses upon itself — have occasionally been described as the “vacuum cleaners” of the universe and are notorious for their tendency to wreak havoc on the usual laws of physics that govern the […]

10 Reasons To Embrace Your Inner Weirdness
by James McCrae, TheMindUnleashed “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde High school was hard. Not so much the classes. The classes, at least at my high school, were a breeze. The hard part about high school was navigating the social cliques and doing anything possible, including great leaps of effort and […]

What Is The Ego And How Can We Transcend It?
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing writer, In5D.com The ego is a third dimensional tool our human body uses for and identity and protection. As we move toward the fifth dimension, some say we need to get rid of it, some say we need to tame it, and some say we should love it. What actually […]

Physicists Discover ‘Clearest Evidence Yet’ That The Universe Is A Hologram
by Independent A team of physicists have provided what has been described by the journal Nature as the “clearest evidence yet” that our universe is a hologram. The new research could help reconcile one of modern physics’ most enduring problems : the apparent inconsistencies between the different models of the universe as explained by quantum physics and Einstein’s theory […]

Why Astral Travel?
I have been asked by a few people to recommend ways to be able to astral travel. Mostly they have heard about it in metaphysical teachings and it has been encouraged and described as a wonderful experience. I answer this question with a question, “Why would you want to astral travel?”