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Tag: Black Obsidian

25 Ways To Get Grounded!

25 Ways To Get Grounded!

By on August 2, 2018 in Health with 0 Comments

As the energies streaming into our planet from the Sun and the Great Central Sun continue to intensify at a staggering rate, the importance of GROUNDING becomes more and more crucial. For those suffering from a seemingly endless stream of Ascension symptoms, grounding is an absolutely necessary practice to help your physical body and to increase your quality of life. Here are 25 easy ways to ground:

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Use Black Obsidian To Prevent Psychic Attacks, Enhance Psychic Abilities, And MUCH More!

Use Black Obsidian To Prevent Psychic Attacks, Enhance Psychic Abilities, And MUCH More!

By on October 31, 2016 in Science, Spiritual Awakening

by Bella , Contributing Writer, Are you experiencing psychic attacks, low energy around certain people or very sensitive to energy? You may need some help and Black Obsidian may be just the thing. Black Obsidian is a powerful stone, one of the most powerful I have ever come in contact with. It blocks even the […]

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