Tag: capricorn

How Your Astrological Sign Can Determine The Success Of Your Relationships!
Is it possible that many relationships will succeed because they have compatible element signs while incompatible element signs tend to fail?

How To Guess Someone’s Astrological Sign
Has anyone ever guessed your astrological sign? It’s an amazing feat to perform and it requires research and practice. While not everyone believes this is possible or that the Zodiac has any meaning, here are some tips from those who believe it can be done.

Your Graduation Into The Age of Aquarius
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com What is the Age of Aquarius? An astrological age lasts approximately 2,150 years and it follows the precession of the equinoxes. With 12 signs in the zodiac, it takes approximately 25,800 years to complete one full cycle through the signs. We are currently in the Age […]

Transcending Time And Money
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com The Dream World and Time Did you ever feel like your dream world is more real than reality? When we dream, we escape the paradigms of time and space. In our dreams, we never look at a watch or know specifically what day it is. We […]

In5D Radio – 2015 and Beyond – Astrologer Jim Dellicolli Ep. 31
In5D Radio – 2015 and Beyond – Astrologer Jim Dellicolli Ep. 31 In5D Radio is proud to bring back astrologer Jim Dellicolli, also known as PantherJim1995 on YouTube as we will be talking about what we can expect in 2015 and beyond from an astrological perspective.

The 12 Cell Salts And Their Astrology Signs
Learn which cell salt your zodiac sign is deficient in and what to eat in order to replace these salts so you can have optimum health! by Robert Wilkinson A friend thought the astrological correspondences for the 12 Cell Salts would be an article many would find useful, so welcome to today’s subject for consideration. […]

Has The Archonic Reincarnation Trap Been Dissolved?
Recently we have seen an increase in the passing of many spiritual and metaphysical icons. Dolores Cannon and Masaru Emoto were highly respected with their knowledge of the way things work and passed within days of each other. Is it possible that they knew the time was right for them to be able to leave their bodies in order to escape the Archonic matrix net for good?

Pluto in Capricorn – Old Patterns Can No Longer Exist
by Simon Vorster, RaisingVibrations guest writer for In5D.com In order to “be the change”, it’s important that we pay close attention to what’s happening below the surface of our lives. The first major aspect we are currently experiencing is Pluto, the symbol of evolution itself, and Uranus, the symbol of revolution. These two are having […]

In5D Radio – Astrologer Jim Dellicolli aka PantherJim1995 Episode 28
On Monday May 26th, 2014, our special guest on In5D Radio was Astrologer Jim Dellicolli, also known as PantherJim1995 on YouTube as we talked about current and upcoming astrological alignments and how they play into our spiritual evolution along with how incompatible zodiac can actually be compatible, the Pope and religion, the banking collapse, retrograde […]

In5D Radio – Astrologer Jim Dellicolli aka PantherJim1995 Episode 25
On September 16, 2013, our special guest on In5D Radio was Jim Dellicolli, also known as PantherJim1995 on YouTube as we talked about current and upcoming astrological alignments and how they play into our spiritual evolution along with Comet ISON, the Syria conflict and the generational effects of Pluto in your birth chart.

In5D Radio Astrologer Tom Lescher – Episode #22
In5D Radio hosts Gregg Prescott and Kendra welcomed Astrologer Tom ‘Kaypatcha’ Lescher as we discussed a plethora of topics including the Anunnaki, Nibiru, Pluto in Capricorn, the future of humanity and much more! Tom Lescher’s website (All links open in a new window so the interview will not be interrupted) Related links from the show: […]

In5D Radio – Jordan Maxwell – Do Your Homework! Episode 16
Gregg Prescott and Kendra interviewed our returning guest, Jordan Maxwell, on In5D Radio as we covered a wide range of topics including astrotheology, Rh- blood types, evolution, UFO’s, extraterrestrials and much more!

In5D Radio – Astrologer Jim Dellicolli – Ep. #15
On Monday, July 1st, 2013, In5D Radio’s special guest was Astrologer Jim Dellicolli, also known as PantherJim1995 on YouTube. Hosts Kendra and Gregg Prescott talked with Jim about current and upcoming astrological alignments and how they play into our spiritual evolution.

In5D Radio – Jim Self – Transformational Shift – Ep. #12
On Monday, June 10th, 2013, our special guest guest was teacher, author and speaker, Jim Self, who talked about the about the ongoing transformational shift in consciousness, ascension, the Law of Attraction, the differences between 3D, 4D and 5D, time speeding up phenomenom, what we can expect in the coming months and years and much more!

In5D Radio – Astrologer Jim Dellicolli – Our Spiritual Evolution – Ep. #8
On Monday, May 13th, 2013, in5d Radio’s special guest was Astrologer Jim Dellicolli, also known as PantherJim1995 of YouTube. Jim talked about current and upcoming astrological alignments and how they play into our spiritual evolution.