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Tag: confidence

Forgiveness, Confidence, And Personal Power:  A Guided Meditation

Forgiveness, Confidence, And Personal Power: A Guided Meditation

By on April 4, 2018 in Meditation

Sit comfortably in a quiet place, with your feet on the ground connected to Mother Earth’s energy, and your hands at heart center. Taking a few deep breaths in and out, reach your hands up through your crown chakra spreading your hands out and away from your body, opening up your own inner Buddha light and draping yourself in timelessness and infinity.

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6 Steps To Finding Your Soul Mate

6 Steps To Finding Your Soul Mate

By on March 1, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening, Twin Flames with 0 Comments

It’s very unlikely that your soul mate will just randomly ring your doorbell. It can happen, of course—and if you selected “UPS driver” as a desired trait in a mate, then your chances of that happening go up exponentially. However, for everyone else, a little legwork will be necessary to complete the task of finding your soul mate.

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Energy Update – Challenges, Birthing, Love, Fearless, Confidence

Energy Update – Challenges, Birthing, Love, Fearless, Confidence

By on October 4, 2016 in Energy Updates

With everything that has gone on up to now, especially during the recent September ‘never before felt’ energy changes, and after the ‘Black’ New Moon on the 30/9/16- no matter where we are each at on our Souls Divine Journeys with what we are each experiencing – we are in a Birthing stage.

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How To Receive Guidance From The Universe

How To Receive Guidance From The Universe

By on July 4, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

What do you do when you have an unanswered question, or when you’re not sure which direction to take? How do you choose the best path when you’re confused or torn? In cases like these, it can help to know how to receive guidance from the universe.

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