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Energy Update – Challenges, Birthing, Love, Fearless, Confidence

By on October 4, 2016 in Energy Updates

Energy Update - Challenges, Birthing, Love, Fearless, Confidence

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by Anastacia,

With everything that has gone on up to now, especially during the recent September ‘never before felt’ energy changes, and after the ‘Black’ New Moon on the 30/9/16- no matter where we are each at on our Souls Divine Journeys with what we are each experiencing – we are in a Birthing stage.


During this process of ‘giving birth’ to a higher aspect of ‘self’, involves going through labor…and ‘discomfort during labor is natural’.

Now is not the time to ‘push’ or be impatient…trust the process…as we ‘learn to move out of old ways of being, and outdated limiting beliefs’.

‘Trust that the challenges you are facing at this time are essential to this process. You are evolving, growing and changing into a more truthful version of you. Stay strong – you are nearly there’.

You are very much Loved and ‘those kind, nurturing and sensitive souls, feel the wounds and hurt of the world deeply…and we often pull back in a knee-jerk reaction…a protection mode as a way of surviving the hurt’.

‘Spirit is lovingly calling to you, asking that you begin to let down your guard – if only just a little. Spirit wants to remind you that when you close down, in an attempt to hold out the pain, you unknowingly hold out the good as well. There is a lot of love here for you and waiting for you. You just have to begin to let it in’.

‘Time to lower your defenses and move on from the hurts of the past. It’s time to open your tender heart to the world again. Your love holds the potential to heal, not only yourself, but the people of this world in a very big way’.


‘Remember, it is those with the biggest hearts who often wound the deepest. However, they are also the ones who can heal the world through the bounty and magnitude of love they hold within’.

‘Sometimes fear can take us over in an unhealthy way and stop us dead in our tracks. The energetic imprint of fear is blocking your necessary progress forward in your life. The fact that you are experiencing fear right now is a sign that you are about to take a very important step forward on your path. It can also indicate that your path is being blocked from the negative, fearful energy you hold’.

‘Where there is fear, there is often a lack of faith. It’s time to put your trust in the hands of Spirit. Quite often, the one thing we fear to do, is the very thing which will lead us to our own empowerment. Fear is the factor which we must all overcome in order to step into our power.

Breathe, as you relax your body and release your mind. Trust yourself. Trust in the Divine. Begin taking the necessary steps forward-despite your fear. Your cannot remain small any longer. Your heart is calling you onward. Be Brave. Be Fearless. Just go for it’.

‘This world needs you – the Real you. Low self-esteem and self worth is impeding your perception of whom and what you really are. It is also affecting your ability to put yourself out in to the world. There is a whole other life, waiting inside you, crying to be lived. The only thing standing in your way is you’.

‘Start looking to the good within you, the value you actually do have, and the difference you really do make. Human is what you are wearing on the outside. Inside, you are a brilliant Light of Divine Source. Remember who you are’.

‘Perhaps you are not aware of how great you a really are. Maybe you have been doubting yourself or your purpose in life. Have you been questioning whether you are enough, good enough, able or worthy?’.

‘Spirit believes in you, and you need to believe in yourself too. It will take time and effort on your part, but the rewards of having self-confidence will be well worth it’.

‘You are important in Spirits plan and you are worthy. Who you are and what you have to offer is so very important. It’s time for you to believe in You, the way Spirit believes in you’.
Return of Spirit Oracle Deck, Cheryl Lee Harnish ir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=am2&o=1&a=0978304748

Our relationships with others is very much at the forefront and in a newer way as we are now giving birth to a higher aspect of ourselves…and so what was ‘okay’ in the past, may no longer be ‘okay’, and we are needing to find a new and different way to deal with relationships.

As we are also needing to come out more now as we are needing to do so, to grow, as part of our souls growth..there is much to this and am only touching on this briefly here.

You can read the rest of the card reading below as I leave you with this message from Spirit – Ease up on yourself and do not give yourself a ‘hard time’…as often we do this, without realizing consciously we are doing so deeply within….as no matter who we are or how far we have come, we are all going through this – deeply…it is just a matter of whether one is ‘in tune’ with themselves or not…or who are at least ‘open’ to this.


When we are in the process of creating something new in our life, we are actually calling on our Divine Force, and mastering our gift as creators, to bring something new into this world. Trust yourself in all that you are doing at this moment. Your instinct and intuition will guide you. The goals, projects, or ideas you are working on are important in the cosmic plan. There are many higher energies working with you, and through you, to help you complete what you are working towards.

Remember though, the process of giving birth involves going through labor. You may be feeling a lot of pressure at the moment. But discomfort during labor is natural. Don’t give in, or lose hope because of it. You are doing the right thing. Don’t let small disappointments or upsets lead you to thinking you are not on the right track. You are. Pain is just a natural part of labor.

You may also be feeling the urge to push, even though it is not time to. Do not allow your impatience to get the best of you. Allow everything in its own time and trust the process. You do not want to start things our prematurely. Completing the gestation period is vital. So be mindful not to rush. Gestation always happens before the labor begins.

The birthing card also comes to those who are symbolically giving birth to the higher aspects of their selves. Usually, this period involves its own set of growing pains, as you learn to move out of old ways of being, and outdated limiting beliefs. Trust that the challenges you are facing at this time are essential to this process. You are evolving, growing and changing into a more truthful version of you. Stay strong – you are nearly there.


The Love card has come to you today to remind you that you are very much loved and cared for When the road gets hard and life hurts, we often pull back – in a knee-jerk reaction. We go into a protection mode as a way of surviving the hurt.

You are a kind, nurturing and sensitive soul. You feel the wounds of your life and the hurts of the world, deeply within your heart. This sensitively is part of your gift. It gives you great empathy and compassion for your fellow man. If you hide your gift away, it cannot serve you or anyone else.

Spirit is lovingly calling to you, asking that you begin to let down your guard – if only just a little. Spirit wants to remind you that when you close down, in an attempt to hold out the pain, you unknowingly hold out the good as well. There is a lot of love here for you and waiting for you. You just have to begin to let it in.

Your love is what this world needs. And this world has much love to give you in return – if you will allow it to. Time to lower your defenses and move on from the hurts of the past. It’s time to open your tender heart to the world again. Your love holds the potential to heal, not only yourself, but the people of this world in a very big way.

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Because you have drawn this card, you may find new love coming into your life. This could be in the form of intimate relationships, but it usually points to mutually supportive friendships. Whichever it is, you will start to see the world supporting you in loving encouragement.

Remember, it is those with the biggest hearts who often wound the deepest. However, they are also the ones who can heal the world through the bounty and magnitude of love they hold within.


Fear is natural, normal and healthy. It is part of the human survival mechanism. But sometimes fear can take us over in an unhealthy way and stop us dead in our tracks.

Dear Soul, you have received this message today because the energetic imprint of fear is blocking your necessary progress forward in your life. The fact that you are experiencing fear right now is a sign that you are about to take a very important step forward on your path. It can also indicate that your path is being blocked from the negative, fearful energy you hold.

This card brings the soft, loving energy of Spirit to give you the emotional support you need. It is strengthening your heart center to help you overcome the limiting fear-based thoughts which are holding you back. Too much of your time has been spent thinking about the things you think or feel you need to do in your life. It is now time to begin taking action-one baby-step at at time.

Where there is fear, there is often a lack of faith. It’s time to put your trust in the hands of Spirit. There is a reason you are feeling called to take action. And there is also a reason why you are experiencing the blockage of fear as well. Quite often, the one thing we fear to do, is the very thing which will lead us to our own empowerment. Fear is the factor which we must all overcome in order to step into our power.

Breathe, as you relax. Your body and release your mind. Trust yourself. Trust in the Divine. Begin taking the necessary steps forward-despite your fear. Your cannot remain small any longer. Your heart is calling you onward. Be Brave. Be Fearless. Just go for it


Time to lift your eyes off the ground and start looking up toward the heavens. Keeping You down and trying to be small isn’t doing anyone any favors. This world needs you – the Real you. Low self-esteem and self worth is impeding your perception of whom and what you really are. It is also affecting your ability to put yourself out in to the world. Three is a whole other life, waiting inside you, crying to be lived. The only thing standing in your way is you.

The Universe sees you and knows you as a Divine spark of the All. They are calling you now to begin embracing that aspect of yourself too. Stand up, hold your head up, and begin looking at the ways in which you are dis-empowering yourself. It’s time to start building your own personal sense of values and your own sense of worth. Spirit knows this is not an easy task, which is why they have brought you this message today.

Every time you feel you are not enough look up tho the heavens and know the entire Cosmos is supporting you on this. When you see the sky above you, let that be your reminder that you are more than enough. You are God incarnated. And the only one who can give you value and a sense of worth is you.

There is nothing your guides and angels want more than to see you step in to the truth of who you really are. Start looking to the good within you, the value you actually do have, and the difference you really do make. Start to see yourself as the Universe sees you. Human is what you are wearing on the outside. Inside, you are a brilliant Light of Divine Source. Remember who you are.

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Perhaps you are not aware of how great you a really are. Maybe you have been doubting yourself or your purpose in life. Have you been questioning whether you are enough, good enough, able or worthy? In some way you are in need of a confidence boost. And this is Spirit’s way of telling you that you are doing just fine. Spirit believes in you, and you need to believe in yourself too. It will take time and effort on your part, but the rewards of having self-confidence will be well worth it.

You may not do things perfectly; of course you will make mistakes. But mistakes are simply opportunities to learn how to do things differently. It is always easier to see the greatness in others. Seeing another person’s gifts, talents, abilities, and successes is much easier than seeing our own. This is a cosmic mirror from the Universe, and it is reflecting back to you, all of the incredible qualities that you really do have.

Sometimes we just have to ‘fake it till we make it’. And that is what you are being asked to do. Just try on the suit of confidence. See how it fits and how it feels. You do have what it takes. you are just as gifted and wonderful as any other person. Now it is time for you to feel confident about you.

It’s important to note though, that too much confidence or over-faking it can actually come across as arrogance. Heaven knows you are far from arrogant, so go gently with it. It isn’t about proving anything to yourself or others. It’s about knowing that you are important in Spirits plan and that you are worthy. Who you are and what you have to offer is so very important. It’s time for you to believe in You, the way Spirit believes in you.

Much Love and Divine Blessings

Ascension Guide/Teacher
Multi-Dimensional Ancient Earth Master

Anymore further than shared in this post or any Blue Beyond post, for souls that resonate and feel they are ready, have an opportunity to contact me for a one-on-one personal Divine healing. Which is in a space of unconditional love and personalised for where your soul is at of the Divine~

Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge in linking our Soul to our Spirit of 6D and 8D -through our Emotions of the Divine – sharing from experiencing energies herself and feeling the energies through her two souls (human and spirit) as they come to our planet. From 20years of personal experience in linking her soul to her spirit, through her emotions this lifetime and past lives – back to Source through the ‘abyss’ – in service to Humanity and Gaia Guiding/Teaching Humanity. From the Ancient Ones, Shaman, Blue Ray Elder, Pleadean, Lemurian, Atlantean, Arcturian, Lyran.

Email if you feel you would like a one-on-one personal healing of the Divine.

Please feel free to share this post and others in their entirety

All Rights Reserved – 2016 Anastacia Kompos

Image: Pixabay

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