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Tag: love

5 Signs We Are Ready for a Paradigm Shift

5 Signs We Are Ready for a Paradigm Shift

By on June 4, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We are thrust into a life where we’re told to act within the existing limits of normality. Don’t question authority, live within the two gender models, pay for your education to work a unsatisfactory job, don’t freak out about the fact we are so disconnected from the earth, and from each other.

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Love, Not Fear

Love, Not Fear

By on December 22, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We live in a society full of fear, everything we do and say is controlled by fear. We have created this world with fear. Fear of not having enough money, food, friends, clothes, cars, fear of not having a good career, a good education, we are all following the rules of fear.

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1950’s LSD Experiments Conclude With Fascinating Results

1950’s LSD Experiments Conclude With Fascinating Results

By on December 6, 2017 in Awareness with 0 Comments

When under controlled conditions, several subjects agreed to experiment with LSD in the 1950’s.  Their results are remarkable and not only show the power of love, but how we are all connected outside of this 3rd dimensional illusion.

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Ascension – Duality And The Importance Of Acceptance

Ascension – Duality And The Importance Of Acceptance

By on November 28, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Below is the double-triangle symbol that I saw and that I will use throughout the article. The red triangle is the movement from single to multi-dimensional PERCEPTION and the blue triangle is the movement from DUALITY to UNITY – both essential in the process of ascension.

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Hey Baby, What’s Your Sign? The Importance Of Astrology In EVERY Relationship

Hey Baby, What’s Your Sign? The Importance Of Astrology In EVERY Relationship

By on August 19, 2017 in Astrology

While it may seem like a lame pick-up line from the 1960’s, there is a lot of truth behind the compatibility of zodiac signs in every relationship in your life. If someone had tried to tell me about the importance of astrology 20 years ago, I would have looked at them as if they were crazy, but now, I know better.

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The Beauty Of Our Messes – Living Life From The Heart

The Beauty Of Our Messes – Living Life From The Heart

By on June 14, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Gosh, claiming someone or something can feel like a big leap of faith. It is an agreement to fall in love. It can get to a point where even claiming the next step of the staircase can feel like a lot, like you and your parts know somehow that life as you’ve/they’ve known it is about to change.

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Cosmic Upgrades

Cosmic Upgrades

By on June 13, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

When we awaken to quantum existence, when we first experience the weirdness and wonder of the universe, we can feel as though the rug has been pulled from under our feet. Everything we’ve been taught and told about the world is challenged. We are not alone in the universe. The universe is not governed by linear time. We are far more powerful than we could imagine. 

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Applying Universal Laws To Everyday Life

Applying Universal Laws To Everyday Life

By on May 30, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Recently, the “if it bleeds it leads” local news led with this – a man ran a red light and struck two people in the crosswalk because he was texting. Then, today I actually watched someone walk into a parking meter because… well, his head was down. I mention these events because it seems that people have become addicted. Addicted to texting. Addicted to Facebook, Addicted to the Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblir and… you get the picture. Even as you read this, our heads are buried in a virtual world.

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Supernatural Event Coming Soon!

Supernatural Event Coming Soon!

By on May 21, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S., Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, As a visionary, I receive messages through my dreams, 3rd eye, and often times, directly from Source. In the past, I’ve spoken about a dream where I saw 3 massive tidal waves that will arrive which are basically waves of transformational energy, not water.  It’s not […]

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Quantum Calling! – 11.11 Is The Wake Up Call

Quantum Calling! – 11.11 Is The Wake Up Call

By on May 17, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Morag, Contributing Writer, Becoming a being of frequency, of light, of dimensional fluidity. Seeing above, beyond, behind the holographic walls of the matrix. Deprogramming. Unplugging. Learning to ride waves of higher consciousness, bringing awareness of the non physical world, of other worlds and dimensions. Do we choose the blue pill? Trumpocalypse, war, poverty and […]

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The Only Thing That REALLY Matters!

The Only Thing That REALLY Matters!

By on May 12, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, It seems just about EVERYONE is trying to play the “savior role” and it distracts us from going within to find our own inner truths. It also distracts us from spiritually working on ourselves because we think there might be a quick fix to something that […]

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50 Questions To Ask Yourself

50 Questions To Ask Yourself

By on May 8, 2017 in Awareness, Enlightening Articles with 0 Comments

These 50 questions to ask yourself have no right or wrong answers because sometimes, asking the right questions is the answer.

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Letting Go Of Love

Letting Go Of Love

By on April 11, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Once, a friend and I were meditating together on a hilltop. During that meditation, we extended our love and compassion out to the whole world. At the end of the session, my friend turned to me and asked, “Why do we reach our love out to everyone, instead of choosing who it should go to, like a family member who might need it most?”

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Moving From 3D Body To 5D Light Body

Moving From 3D Body To 5D Light Body

By on March 27, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

I am connecting with THE BODY, my ascending body and the collective ‘body’ of those of us who have chosen ascension as our path and process. I am connecting with this universal experience of body, this human body vessel and temple, this fleshy form, that we’ve all agreed is the vehicle of our walking around life. Yet, this body is changing. It is growing. It is calibrating higher, vibrating higher. It is shifting from carbon to crystalline. It is transforming from being anchored in 3D to transitional and awakening 4D (integration of the astral body) and into 5D.

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The True Meaning Of Duality

The True Meaning Of Duality

By on March 25, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Jude Fullmer, Contributing Writer, Have you ever wondered why we’re all here? Or why ‘duality’ was so important for us to experience? Well, here’s the reason why we came here and what we’re ultimately trying to accomplish! Before we came on this long journey through duality we came from a state of oneness and […]

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