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Esoteric Metaphysical Spiritual Database

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Tag: crystalline Light

Human Protection And Casting Off Dark Beings

Human Protection And Casting Off Dark Beings

By on April 1, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

One of the most difficult trials to men is realization of truth as we have been brainwashed by beliefs of our ancestors implanted and controlled by alternating Archons and dark beings for a million years. The reason is simple, we have the gold, silver and earthen materials these beings desire and need for their planets.

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Unity Consciousness Within 5D

Unity Consciousness Within 5D

By on March 12, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Angel V.  Ornedo,   Jr . Contributing Writer, Unity consciousness partakes of collective consciousness attained by humans who are awakened, free from hypnotism and veiling by dark forces. More than one being, volunteer or earth born, joined awakened humans raise the consciousness of Mother Earth-Gaia to 5d.  Higher Realm beings attain the level of planetary […]

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Energy Update – Collective Gridwork Fluctuations

Energy Update – Collective Gridwork Fluctuations

By on October 25, 2016 in Energy Updates

We are going through many fluctuations in the gridwork this month and these are challenging many as they are “moved” from one gridwork to the next… connected, disconnected, connected, disconnected… there are huge periods of template wipes where we go offline, disconnect and then come back up online… This is the strongest I’ve experienced this since June 2015. Huge disconnects, which need to occur so we can shift to a whole new collective timeline.

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The Lion’s Gate, Star Sirius, And The Galactic Center

The Lion’s Gate, Star Sirius, And The Galactic Center

By on August 4, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Meg Benedicte, Since my Awakening in 1994, I’ve been following the spiritual path towards deeper Soul connection and greater understanding of the mysteries of universe. Along the way I’ve encountered some profound moments of awe-inspiring awareness and heart-felt loving kindness streaming into my being from angelic presence and ascended souls. We are truly not […]

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