Tag: daydreaming

Activating Your Latent DNA Is Easier Than You Think
One of the most prevalent questions about ascension is how to activate DNA. If you remember that everything is backwards and upside down, you will have a good clue to what it takes to activate your latent DNA. Connecting the “junk DNA”, referred to by matrix scientists, is actually the key to experiencing new abilities and creating new realities.

30 Signs That You Are Wired Differently Than “Normal” People
Do you feel like you are wired differently than most people? At times, do you feel like you don’t “fit in” on this planet? Did you ever wonder why things feel so differently to you, but not to other people? Have you noticed strange anomalies within yourself that the general population doesn’t seem to experience? This article might help you to understand WHY.

Being An Adult Indigo With ADD Or ADHD
While it is greatly believed that the Indigo children began incarnating in the 1970’s, 1980’s, and 1990’s, some Indigos came in a little early. On the back of my grade school report cards in the 1960’s, it said, “Fails to pay attention” on every quarter. I remember toning in one class in 4th grade without knowing WHY I was doing it. I remember looking out the window and daydreaming in every class I took in grade school through high school.