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Tag: depression

Energy Update – Real-Time

Energy Update – Real-Time

By on December 16, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, In the last 5 days we have been in a massive transition, as in all we ‘used to do’, we now need to do/find another way. We are/have been in a ‘cross-over’ of the old and the new (energies) of YEARS of past relationships and ‘trauma’, PTSD/depression and the like, that is coming […]

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Energy Update – Ascension Process Is Gaining In Both Intensity And Speed

Energy Update – Ascension Process Is Gaining In Both Intensity And Speed

By on November 14, 2016 in Energy Updates

It seems for many of us lately that the Ascension process is gaining in both intensity and speed. Especially since the beginning of 2016, there have definitely been new Ascension energies flooding in, giving us an experience of transitioning that is more pronounced than before.

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10 Signs You Are Experiencing A Recalibration Of Your Mind-Body-Soul System

10 Signs You Are Experiencing A Recalibration Of Your Mind-Body-Soul System

By on October 28, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

As we transition from a third dimensional reality to a hyperdimensional existence we are experiencing a recalibration of our mind-body-soul being.

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Getting Through The Dark Night Of The Soul

Getting Through The Dark Night Of The Soul

By on July 15, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

The dark night of the soul is a process many spiritual seekers go through at some point in their lives, I being one of them.  The dark night is not mentioned that much in spiritual texts and teachings.   A lot of the times, we are being told to be happy, raise your vibration, look to the light, but none of this will be lasting until you have loved the dark.

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The Age Of Consciousness

The Age Of Consciousness

By on June 24, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Caryn Cridland, Some argue that we, as a human race, are regressing. We are destroying the planet with mindless acts of deforestation and ever-increasing mining, forcing species to extinction, and emitting tons of carbon. Causing ocean acidification, depleting food, water and energy supplies and so on. Interestingly, despite these, and other horrifically destructive acts, […]

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Higher Consciousness – 5 Ways To Know If You Are Growing Spiritually

Higher Consciousness – 5 Ways To Know If You Are Growing Spiritually

By on June 15, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

It’s easy to say that achieving a higher consciousness is a journey and not an end in itself. However, we seek milestones that assure us that we are on the right track and making progress. Here are five signs to see if you have reached Higher Consciousness:

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The Indigo Child And How To Recognize One

The Indigo Child And How To Recognize One

By on May 5, 2016 in Indigos

by Sandra Weaver, The indigo child is here to bring us closer to our true essence. We think our minds are separate because of our bodies. These children know differently. A true indigo travels comfortably between worlds usually at night when we think they’re asleep. Our thoughts and feelings are not our own. The truth […]

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Animal Ascension Symptoms

Animal Ascension Symptoms

By on April 11, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Many online articles and videos talk about the energy shifts that are happening now, and specifically, how the Earth’s ascending resonant frequency is affecting humanity. What most of these references do not mention is how these changes are also affecting our animal friends. Animals, domesticated or wild, have a much stronger link with Mother Earth that most humans. It stands to reason, therefore, that they are experiencing ascension symptoms of their own

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Four Crystals to Help With Ascension Symptoms

Four Crystals to Help With Ascension Symptoms

By on April 9, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

There are four powerful crystals that can help you move through these symptoms with greater ease, speed, and grace.

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Why These 4 Celebrities Meditate… And You Should Too!

Why These 4 Celebrities Meditate… And You Should Too!

By on April 6, 2016 in Meditation

by The Alternative Daily Meditation is an alternative way to decrease anxiety, lower blood pressure, boost immunity, and reduce stress, among other great health benefits. Meditation can offer you a moment of calm and clarity, which will help you to be happier, healthier, and even more successful. Research suggests that mindfulness and concentration meditation are […]

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Using Your Breath To Remove Intrusive Thoughts

Using Your Breath To Remove Intrusive Thoughts

By on February 11, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Rachel Nuwer, Brain Decoder Our minds are not entirely under our control. Fyodor Dostoevsky noted as much in 1863, when he penned his famous white bear observation. “Try to pose for yourself this task: not to think of a polar bear, and you will see that the cursed thing will come to mind every […]

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Depression And Spiritual Awakening

Depression And Spiritual Awakening

By on January 14, 2016 in Health, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

If you suffer from depression, or know someone close to you who does, then you came to the right place. No, I’m not a psychologist, but if you are anything like me, chances are that your faith in psycho-therapy has diminished, if not disappeared completely. I’m here to share with you my own experience of dealing with chronic depression, how the hopelessness that comes with it had made me attempt suicide numerous times, what steps I took to overcome this so called “mental disorder,” and what impact all of this has had on my spiritual awakening. My experience has driven me to find a true peace of mind and the sense of true happiness that can only be found within ourselves.

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Grounding Techniques For Empaths

Grounding Techniques For Empaths

By on November 20, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

For Empaths and Sensitives, in these trying times, it is a challenge for us to stay grounded as we are constantly being bombarded with a real mix of negative, external emotions. Even if we stay home and don’t venture out of our personal sanctuaries, our empathic antennas are picking up so much of the pain from the outside world. Because of this we can easily become consumed with depression, listlessness and apathy and lose sight of what our roles here are to do.

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Why Do So Many On The Spiritual Path Feel They Are Not Good Enough?

Why Do So Many On The Spiritual Path Feel They Are Not Good Enough?

By on August 30, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Max and Lana guest writers for Everyone on this planet understands that being human involves moments of self-doubt, hesitation, and/or wondering if we are “good enough” to reach our goals and fulfill our desires. However, for “light workers” or those on the spiritual path, these feelings are often more pervasive, intense, confusing, and […]

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Guided Meditation – Develop Mental Abilities

Guided Meditation – Develop Mental Abilities

By on August 11, 2015 in Meditation

A guided meditation by Michael Mackenzie for developing mental abilities.

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