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Energy Update – Ascension Process Is Gaining In Both Intensity And Speed

By on November 14, 2016 in Energy Updates

Energy Update - Ascension Process Is Gaining In Both Intensity And Speed

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by Vidya Frazier,

It seems for many of us lately that the Ascension process is gaining in both intensity and speed. Especially since the beginning of 2016, there have definitely been new Ascension energies flooding in, giving us an experience of transitioning that is more pronounced than before.


And the energies have a different flavor from what we’ve experienced in the last few years. They’re hard to describe. In one way, there seems to be a firmer push with them. We’re being compelled to move forward somewhat faster now, whether we feel ready to or not.

There’s also a demand to be ever-more vigilant about what we think and do and to see what we are creating for ourselves. The energies are affecting—and, at times, disrupting—our lives more than before. There’s no ignoring them any more.

Stepping into a New Chapter in Life

New Ascension portals are opening up.For some, I’ve noticed, a whole new chapter of life has recently opened up. It’s as if they’ve stepped through a portal and are in the process of leaving an entire way of life behind them, along with an identity they’ve played out for most of their adult lives.

For these it is generally a very exciting time. There’s an exhilarating freedom they’re experiencing and, at times, an expansive joy that wafts through their being. New vistas are opening up, promising new adventure, greater creative expression, and deeper fulfillment.

Yet, at the same time, they are also feeling a sense of being somewhat “untethered” and disoriented, which can bring in a sense of anxiety. Old reference points are disappearing, leaving them feeling unable to describe their lives—or even themselves—anymore in a familiar way.

Changing Identities

New 5D identities are emerging.For many of these people, old karmic bonds with other people have either loosened or completely disappeared. They can no longer attach their identity to being someone in a certain relationship anymore.


Either their partner relationship has broken up, their children or relatives are no longer people they really relate to anymore, or close loved ones have died. However it’s happened, they now sense themselves as relatively unattached beings in a world that seems to no longer be familiar to them.

Others who have recently stepped into a new chapter in their life are those who have either retired, lost their job, or found they could no longer stay at work they’ve never liked to begin with. Or perhaps they’re someone who has recently found that a passion they’ve had for a long time now feels flat and they can no longer attach their sense of identity to it.

Spiritual Missions Opening Up

Spiritual missions are coming alive. Something foundational has altered for these who are finding themselves walking into something brand new in their lives. It’s somehow changed them more deeply than if the physical changes in circumstances they’re experiencing had happened in the past.

It’s as if something within them is now saying, “Okay, now get ready. You’re about to embark on what you’re really here to do this lifetime.”

There’s a wind gathering behind them, getting ready to propel them into a future that feels completely unknown. And there’s no way to ignore it or move out of its way. What holds them steady at this point is realizing that their spiritual mission may be about to fully flower into a more expansive expression.

It seems as if they’ve been given a certain amount of grace time to completely shed their old identities before moving into this new chapter of their life. But they likely won’t be given a great deal of time for this, as the new energy is very present with them, waiting in the wings with its sense of excited impatience.

3D Templates Emerging

3D Ascension templates are emerging.For others, the Ascension energies since the beginning of the year (and perhaps starting at the end of last year), have been intense in a different way. It’s as if full “templates” of the core 3D programmings that have run them their entire life are finally surfacing. And all the emotions, misguided beliefs, thoughts, and habit patterns attached to the template are up for experiencing in an exaggerated way.

For some, this template could be called “Failure to Thrive”. It’s as if all experiences in the past around a certain theme that have limited and traumatized them are now back to be re-experienced—but in an a more intense fashion. If it’s a struggle about having enough money, this is what is now happening in spades. If it’s chronic health problems, these are showing up, one after another. If it’s relationship difficulties, that’s what they’re now feeling caught in.

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Or the template could be called “Depression” or “Anxiety” or “Lonely”. Or combinations of all of these and more. There are many different 3D templates we all took on this time to live with and learn from. And it seems that now it is truly time to see these clearly—and hopefully for the last time. And then it’s time to move out of judgment of ourselves for experiencing them and allow them to release.

Letting Go of the 3D Templates

Ascension symptoms are amping up. Of course, this is easier said than done. It’s not a simple matter to let go of a pattern that has been deeply embedded in our experience over a lifetime (and sometimes lifetimes). Often we have not even been fully aware of it till now. And at times, it can seem as if the template has such a firm grip on us, we may never be able to wrench ourselves free of it.

It appears to take some time to shake these templates loose and allow them to release. Even if they do seem to be finally breaking apart in preparation for release, we’re dealing with their pieces flying around in our fields for a period of time. It can be very disorienting, as well as challenging.

Cooperating with the Ascension Energies

Learning to trust helps us into the Fifth Dimension.As with those who are currently experiencing a firmer push into unknown territory, those having this experience of facing core 3D emotional patterns do well to understand that all of these experiences are part of the Ascension process.

Whatever is not resonating with fifth-dimensional energy cannot be taken with us to that higher dimension. We must let it go and keep moving forward into the next experience. At times, this requires a great deal of trust and a willingness to move out of our comfort zones.

Once we can do this, it can be amazingly exciting to watch and anticipate whatever may be next coming toward us in life, knowing that it is coming in order to lift us yet further into a higher vibration.

The positive and freeing purpose of certain experiences are certainly not clear at times until we’ve made our way through them. But if we look closely, we can see that everything—absolutely everything—is happening for our Ascension in as expedient a way as possible. We just need to trust this and cooperate the best way we can, so that we are skillfully and trustingly riding the Ascension energies as they flow in, rather than resisting them.

Image: Pixabay

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