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Tag: ascension symptoms

ENERGY UPDATE – DNA Upgrade, Portals, Ascension Symptoms

ENERGY UPDATE – DNA Upgrade, Portals, Ascension Symptoms

By on April 4, 2019 in Energy Updates

ENERGY UPDATE – DNA Upgrade, Portals, Ascension Symptoms – We have finally moved past the intensity of the first three months of 2019. Opportunities for lightbody activation, spiritual growth and DNA upgrades were paired with hard core karmic clearing. Ancestral traumas attached to our lineage have been recognized and released.

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25 Ways To Get Grounded!

25 Ways To Get Grounded!

By on August 2, 2018 in Health with 0 Comments

As the energies streaming into our planet from the Sun and the Great Central Sun continue to intensify at a staggering rate, the importance of GROUNDING becomes more and more crucial. For those suffering from a seemingly endless stream of Ascension symptoms, grounding is an absolutely necessary practice to help your physical body and to increase your quality of life. Here are 25 easy ways to ground:

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BIG TIMELINE SHIFTS!!! In5D Facebook LIVE with Gregg Prescott Ep. #13

BIG TIMELINE SHIFTS!!! In5D Facebook LIVE with Gregg Prescott Ep. #13

By on November 17, 2017 in In5D Live with 0 Comments

11/11 brought some HUGE TIMELINE SHIFTS as evidenced by several bouts of vertigo. Vertigo occurs as timelines converges. It’s the moving of timelines that causes the physiological symptoms to manifest as vertigo.

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Ascension Symptoms: DNA Upgrade

Ascension Symptoms: DNA Upgrade

By on October 7, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The tissue of our bodies is made up of cells. The cells are made up of molecules and this goes on and on until the subatomic level is reached. At the subatomic level, the templates or blueprints are formed for our bodies. The probabilities of what we can do are created at the subatomic level. There are changes being made at this level as the Earth Changes occur and as the axis shift occurs on the planet. These changes are due to occur very soon. During this period of an axis shift, past types of behavior and past ways of arranging matter will not be available.

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Ascension Symptoms, Vertigo, The Event – In5D FB Live w/ Gregg Prescott Ep. #10

Ascension Symptoms, Vertigo, The Event – In5D FB Live w/ Gregg Prescott Ep. #10

By on October 5, 2017 in In5D Live with 0 Comments

Feeling dizzy lately? You’re certainly not alone!!! On this video, In5D owner Gregg Prescott talks about ascension symptoms, vertigo, the event, & what it all means!

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Transmutational / Ascension Symptoms

Transmutational / Ascension Symptoms

By on September 4, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Sabrina Reber Ascension is the raising of our personal energy frequency. It occurs when we bring our layers of “light” from our Spiritual Body or Multidimensional God Self down into our physical form. As we integrate more of our true spiritual essence into our being we expand our auric field, chakra system and activate […]

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A Nutritional Awakening For Ascension

A Nutritional Awakening For Ascension

By on August 25, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Have you been bogged down by ascension symptoms?  Do you have low energy, lack motivation and focus?  If so you’re not alone and perhaps my story can help you.

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10 Common Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Ascension Symptoms

10 Common Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Ascension Symptoms

By on February 27, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Here are 10 signs of ascension symptoms I discovered during my spiritual awakening

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Energy Update – Timeline Energy Has Increased, Positivity Will Increase Into More Positive Manifestations Quickly

Energy Update – Timeline Energy Has Increased, Positivity Will Increase Into More Positive Manifestations Quickly

By on January 3, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Diane Canfield, Dear Beautiful Souls, I have always kept you up to date on what is happening energetically in this shift. We have reached a new level of awareness this past 2 weeks. The timelines have shifted again in the process of Ascension. They are continuing to shift each day now as we move […]

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Energy Update – Ascension Process Is Gaining In Both Intensity And Speed

Energy Update – Ascension Process Is Gaining In Both Intensity And Speed

By on November 14, 2016 in Energy Updates

It seems for many of us lately that the Ascension process is gaining in both intensity and speed. Especially since the beginning of 2016, there have definitely been new Ascension energies flooding in, giving us an experience of transitioning that is more pronounced than before.

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Ascension – Preparing For What’s Yet To Come

Ascension – Preparing For What’s Yet To Come

By on September 29, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

It’s coming and it’s coming fast, are your mind and body ready for the event?

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True Freedom – Letting It All Go

True Freedom – Letting It All Go

By on September 20, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Kara Schallock, Life is as simple or as complicated as we want it to be. If we choose simple, we let go of all we are attached to; all we think we know and become an empty vessel. In this Emptiness, we get to the core of us and that is Love. There is […]

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Ascension Stages Initiation, Absorption And Integration

Ascension Stages Initiation, Absorption And Integration

By on August 30, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Inner Sustainability is Integrated Spiritual Ascension and is the ultimate energetic sustainability when we self source from within our Soul and Monad connection, our personal spiritual source field connected directly with God. As we progressively undergo Expanding Consciousness through the activation of internal Kundalini energies traveling up the spinal column and into our Chakra system, we end consumptive modeling and vampirism of other people’s energies.

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Tiffany Stiles Confirms Energetic Shifts At In5d Headquarters

Tiffany Stiles Confirms Energetic Shifts At In5d Headquarters

By on May 3, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Tiffany Stiles Confirms Energetic Shifts At In5d Headquarters – Gregg and I have both experienced “ascension symptoms’ exactly as described by my Facebook friend Tiffany Stiles in a recent post. The synchronicity of Tiffany’s post confirms to us that we are literally being reborn and transformed during the illumination of the solar gates.

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Animal Ascension Symptoms

Animal Ascension Symptoms

By on April 11, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Many online articles and videos talk about the energy shifts that are happening now, and specifically, how the Earth’s ascending resonant frequency is affecting humanity. What most of these references do not mention is how these changes are also affecting our animal friends. Animals, domesticated or wild, have a much stronger link with Mother Earth that most humans. It stands to reason, therefore, that they are experiencing ascension symptoms of their own

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