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Tag: DNA template

Rise Of The Divine Human – Unlocking The Seals On Our DNA Template For The New Earth Reality

Rise Of The Divine Human – Unlocking The Seals On Our DNA Template For The New Earth Reality

By on September 29, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Romeo Baron, We are in the final count down into the number of days left before Everything Changes. A while ago, our OverSoul Family placed protective seals on our DNA template until the time came when we would be truly ready to access our highest DNA potential. The reason why protective seals were placed […]

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Frequency Activation Into The New Earth Reality

Frequency Activation Into The New Earth Reality

By on August 31, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

We are in the final count down into the number of days left before Everything Begins to Change. A while ago, our OverSoul Family placed protective seals on our DNA template until the time came when we would be truly ready to access our highest DNA potential.

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Do You EVER See Old People In Your Dreams?  Just About EVERYBODY is YOUNG in Mine!

Do You EVER See Old People In Your Dreams? Just About EVERYBODY is YOUNG in Mine!

By on May 29, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

I have a rare sleep anomaly where I go instantly into the dream stage as soon as I fall asleep and stay there all night long. I found out about this after having a sleep study done on me for sleep apnea in 2007. What they do is hook up a bunch of electrodes all over your body and monitor your sleep overnight. As it turns out, I get ZERO of the deep sleep stage where your body does most of its healing and I stay in the dream state all night long.

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How To Neutralize Implants

How To Neutralize Implants

By on October 3, 2015 in Exiting The Matrix

The word implant has been described as being an energetic gateway for negative beings to connect to our bodies. Implants can be physically inserted through E.T. abductions or can be ingested through Chemtrails, GMO foods, and many other substances in our lives. Implants are also present in the etheric body and the purpose of this article is to bring enough information out to be able to keep them neutralized or unable to operate because of a shift in vibration.

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