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Rise Of The Divine Human – Unlocking The Seals On Our DNA Template For The New Earth Reality

By on September 29, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Rise Of The Divine Human - Unlocking The Seals On Our DNA Template For The New Earth Reality

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by Romeo Baron,

We are in the final count down into the number of days left before Everything Changes. A while ago, our OverSoul Family placed protective seals on our DNA template until the time came when we would be truly ready to access our highest DNA potential. The reason why protective seals were placed on our DNA was because when the seals are unlocked we all have the potential to be instant manifestors of reality. It was decided that we would be ready to begin unlocking the seals on our DNA by the end of September 2016.


The reason why we needed to wait until this time where there is more Light than darkness, is because the Guardians knew we would manifest horrible things if we were given the freedom of manifestation before this time, due to negative alien intruder manipulation. Something else must take place in our consciousness before we are to be given this divine ability. Each individual must be fully tuned into Divine Love, The removal of the Negative Polarity is the first step. Neutrality; harmonizing the Polarity of Negative charge and Positive charge in the thinking brain is the focus in this current Ascension Cycle.

For instance when the physical body is healed of negative thought-form and thus its polarity, neutral state is achieved and in this state the heart intelligence can be opened and accessed easier. In this ‘Shift’ in consciousness we will achieve Ultimate healing of the hearts of Humanity. When the seals are unlocked, it will bring a feeling of freedom as the negative polarity in the physical body dissolves. When our higher vibrational frequencies are activated within our DNA template, we return to the divine state of instant manifestation.

There will still be many who are not ready and those are the ones who will have a very hard time unlocking the Seals from the DNA template. So those who have not prepared for this Event are going through a very toxic state of existence. They will continue to create whatever is still stuck in their attachment to the Negative Polarity. When a negative thought is stuck in the thinking brain, it is extremely toxic. It will make people sick, depressed and unable to function.

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It is much easier to shift a person from positive charge to neutral than from negative charge to neutral. As Negative Polarity orientation on this planet has reached its harvest capacity, it means those beings in negative polarity are being moved off planet in this Ascension Cycle in order to balance their energetic responsibility. As I understand it, it is not of this Earth Body but somewhere else on another planet with much less veiling.

Those of us who understand manifestation can rest assured that only those who have moved out of the Negative Polarity in the thinking brain and into the mid brain or the neutrality state will be able to manifest through the Higher Mind in Harmony.

What has begun to take place is the ‘prime time’ for the final conflict drama, and the planet as a result will re-balance itself with bringing in the the 12 dimensional frequencies, the divine blue print for the New Earth Reality.


Within Harmony, Divine Love, and Oneness.

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