Tag: manifestation

5D Earth: 11 Extraordinary Signs You’re Moving Beyond 3D
5D Earth is a shift in dimension and consciousness characterized by love, unity, and higher awareness. Humanity is currently in the process of transitioning from 3D Earth, which is based on separation and duality, to 5D Earth, which is based on unity and oneness. This transition is a spiritual and energetic one. The following are […]

My Ayahuasca Experiences
I did my first 2 day Ayahuasca retreat last year in August of 2018. In that first 2 day ceremony, I didn’t have nearly as much happen as this one. Mostly what I remember that happened was the first night I received a very powerful neurological pathways activation in my head. It was during the part of the ceremony where the shaman did the healing. It was such a powerful activation that I was out of it the rest of the time there.

Being Vibrationally In-Tune And Aware
It is true that nothing is impossible to create or manifest as long as it is for your highest good and also beneficial to those in direct contact with you. That being said, have you noticed a difference recently with your manifestation abilities? That what you think in pure and positive thought-form is happening almost instantaneous? When the reference to manifestation is mentioned, it is for you to recognize the seemingly “small things” that may have happened for you and to you before, even months ago.

Alchemy Of Light – An Evolutionary Psychology Of Soul Development
Cosmological conceptions around the world have similar paradigms about the creation of the manifested universe. They postulate creation as a series of emanations of energy, principally light energy, in various gradations or levels of manifestation. On the other hand, standard scientific paradigms postulate light as having wave and particle properties, both linear and nonlinear.

Accelerated 4D Manifestation
Shout out to cosmic surfers, travelers, healers, teachers, warriors of Gaia. Hold it together folks. Push through the landslide of energetic mud being released globally. This is the draining of the swamp. Light workers existing day to day, moment to moment, as gale force winds of negativity batter us from all sides. If it’s toxic it’s being exposed. Authenticity is the force behind these portals of awakening.

8 Simple Steps To Manifest Anything You Want
If you knew how powerful your thoughts were you would never think a negative thought again. The universe does not know the difference between wanting and not wanting. The universe feels if you are giving thought it is something you want and grants your every wish. Today, I am going to show you 8 ways that you can manifest the life you have dreamed of.

Carl Jung – The Man Who Coined The Word ‘Synchronicity’
Have you ever experienced an 11:11 synchronicity? Psychologist Carl Jung coined the term synchronicity, which many of us use on a daily or weekly basis.

10 Ways To Spot And Handle Channel Hacking
by Morag, Contributing Writer, In5D.com Channel hacking is on the increase. Higher wavelengths used to channel our guides are being hacked, accessed, hijacked or compromised. Beings who do not have our best interests at heart are doing this. The 144,000 are being targeted at this time, for disruption, chaos and negativity. When authentic channeling takes […]

This Is How 160,000 People Physically Turned Into Light Bodies!
Many people in the spiritual communities have heard about light bodies but has anyone ever truly achieved this? Surprisingly, there have been approximately 160,000 documented cases of people doing this. Most recently, this happened in 1998 when Reverend Francis V. Tiso witnessed the metamorphosis of a Tibetan monk, Khenpo A-Chos, into a literal “Rainbow Body”.

555 – Step Into Your POWER!
555 is the starting pistol for our upgraded existence. 555 heralds a profound shift towards action, positive change, decisiveness, following our gut. It is time to let go of the old, to embrace transition and transformation. 555 activation is humanity stepping into its power.

Ascension Of Intimacy – The INherent Gifts Of Sacred Romance
Our intimate relationships are sacred grounds of getting to feel and see ourselves. We GET to experience what is rumbling inside of us that has been kept at bay in our subconscious. These parts of us that have been living is a safety zone of incognito through the protection of our comfortability. When our deepest desires begin to ring out into the cosmos, the mechanics of manifestation begin to offer their services. But when they do, it is meant to bring up what is needed in order to let in what is wanted.

Spiritual Awakening Symptoms – How Do I Know It’s Happening To Me?
by Morag, Contributing Writer,In5D.com When you Google ‘awakening’ you are quickly taken down the rabbit hole of signs and symptoms, spiritual ideology and karmic teaching. The bible and quantum mechanics come up. But what does awakening actually mean? The word ‘awakening’ is contentious. There is a language of separation perceived in spiritualism. Awake implies asleep. […]

7 Ways To Increase Flow Of Energy Through Our Mind, Body, And Soul
How do we consciously raise our vibrations in this hostile environment? Switch on our energetic systems, embrace activation codes, cosmic upgrades. Download, upload, upgrade and evolve?

Polarity Chasm, Cabal Chaos, And Cosmic Flow
by Morag, Contributing Writer,In5D.com The polarity chasm is being stretched back further, like elastic, we feel the tension build. Exposing fundamental differences in people in our lives and on the world stage. As the elastic stretches, the chasm widens, we are being compelled to expose, release and eliminate pollutants in our mind body soul systems. […]