What Are Your Ascension Body Symptoms Trying To Tell You?
by Jelelle Awen,
Contributing Writer, In5D.com
Our body vessels are UPgrading in our every living cell from carbon, the ‘old school’ physical operating system of 3D reality, to crystalline. Crystalline is the ‘new school’ operating system of our light bodies whose fuel cells increasingly ‘run’ on energy. This process of transition from 3D carbon to 4D transitional to 5D light body has been going on for some of us for many years. Yet, also, our emotional bodies have been in an UPgrade process too, going from mostly unconscious or subconscious reality processing to consciously feeling and healing of our this life and other lifetime emotional energies to really clear them and complete them.
This is new, cutting edge, consciously taking ALL our bodies ‘with us’ into higher vibrational frequencies of consciousness. We know the float out, astral self exploration, near death, being ‘out’ of the body in these moments of intense tunnel of light experiences. But, to remain WITHIN the physical body, which is the densest aspect of our BEing, is quite an undertaking. We’ve signed up for this UPgrade experiment collectively, led by those of us on the leading edge of the process showing the way, lighting the illuminating lanterns along the path for others to follow along.
The ‘ascension symptoms’ related to the body are vast and seem to be so unique to each soul, directly connected to what you’ve signed up to heal and feel this life from your soul legacy that became triggered for you by this life experiences. The degree of experience related to body symptoms, I believe, is also connected to the emotional body conscious healing that you have engaged with AND other lifetime aspects (what I call Metasoul) conscious integration as well. The more lower vibrational, fear-based ‘stuff’ in your emotional body (which spans from this life to other lifetimes and seems to connect to the collective emotional body as well), the harder your body has to work to clear it from your cellular memory during the UPgrade process.
I actually feel that the emotional woundings are often what is downstream of the body reactions. There is a process of adjustment and ‘enlightenment’ going on with our physical bodies, yet I feel that many if not all of the ‘ascension symptoms’ can be connected to an emotional body root cause that stems from this life and other lifetime woundings. The body is ‘talking to us’ and pointing out what needs our attention from an emotional body perspective and parts of us express through the physical body with pain and suffering and discomfort to ‘get our attention.’ Manifestation of pain can signify resistance to love, so I feel that experiencing pain while going through these body UPgrades can actually be a sign of fear-based resistance from parts of us that can be moved and healed and even abated through conscious connection, negotiation, and love with them.
The next time you are experiencing a ‘ascension body symptom’ and would normally just see it that way with the usual way of ‘letting it BE and accept it as part of the ascension process’, feel into this approach instead. Connect with the symptom in a conscious way….let’s say it is ‘ringing in the ears’ as is commonly reported by many souls. Bringing in your most loving, caring, parental energy and opening your heart, write a letter to the body symptom and ask for it to share with you what its pain is about. Or you could connect to it during meditation with creative visualization, seeing yourself in a room filled with white light and the energy of the physical symptom ‘in the room’ with you. Ask it to tell you its ‘story’ and reveal to you the origins and reasons for the pain.
You might be QUITE surprised by what comes back to you! It could be access to this life memories stored in your emotional body (which doesn’t orient to linear time at all) that you had ‘forgotten’ about or, really, that part of you had blocked you from remembering (usually the Inner Protector) because it was too painful. It could open up access to a wounding pattern in your Metasoul connected to expression or repression of clairaudience abilities (in this example) and persecution experiences that your Metasoul/other lifetime aspects are experiencing in the NOW (because again there is no linear time, no ‘past lives’.) This exploration could reveal to you an aspect of yourself that needs your ongoing attention and love, such as your Inner Child, Inner Teenager, Inner Protector, etc.
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The ascension process is meant to push UP these woundings for us to feel, so that we can transmute them with love into higher frequencies. JUST looking at the physical body symptoms as ‘part of the process’ and treating them with remedies at the physical level (even if they are natural ones) can actually screen out a huge resource of information for us about ourselves and our soul legacies too. I also feel that this is why so many people experience looping patterns of body symptoms that can last for days, months, even years……which I’m feeling in this moment you don’t HAVE to experience it this way. Temporary physical discomforts and transitions that you then respond to with perhaps natural remedies and definitely some dietary changes is a self loving response to a process that you are holding as necessary, yet definitely transitory AS you dig deeper to feel and see if there is more going on at the emotional body level that can be cleared.
You may have forgotten how to be your own love detective, curiously searching for and finding clues to your own healing and transformation through everything that happens within and with you. Looking ‘outside’ to others for resources on what this or that ascension body symptom could mean according to them is an example of forgetting your own love detective essence. Curious and compassionate self exploration led by you allows you to move from victim to the ascension symptoms into self empowered collaborator who is negotiating with the physical expression at the emotional body level. You then have a ‘with’ relationship to what is happening to you on all levels, leading with trust that everything you experience is more data about yourself and your soul that ultimately leads to more experience of and service of LOVE. ~
About the author: Jelelle Awen is an Emoto-Spiritual Teacher, Sacred Feminine and Sacred Union Facilitator, Soul Scribe, WaySHOWer, and Co-creator and Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is author of Sacred Human, Arising Wonder: Ascension Through Integration Of Your Emotional Body And Your Spiritual Awakenings
and Keep Waking Up!: Awakening Journeys To Avalon And Beyond
. Visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, group calls, videos, community, retreats, etc.
Image: Pixabay
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