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Tag: New Earth Reality

6 Signs You Are Falling Into A Phantom Matrix Timeline

6 Signs You Are Falling Into A Phantom Matrix Timeline

By on April 3, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

As defined by Keylontic Science, the Phantom Matrix is a Black Hole System created by the Fallen Angelics design to continually drain and accrete energy and consciousness from our living Time Matrix. Being in a state of chaos is a signature trait of the phantom matrix.

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The Big Wave Of High Dimensional Frequencies Is Now Coming Through!

The Big Wave Of High Dimensional Frequencies Is Now Coming Through!

By on October 1, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Romeo Baron, The Big Wave will unleash the Truth and this will stir Chaos in the old paradigm. However, the chaos is good because it will mark the end of the false reality and outdated modalities. It will be the beginning of the new Earth reality in the unified field of consciousness. This Fall […]

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Rise Of The Divine Human – Unlocking The Seals On Our DNA Template For The New Earth Reality

Rise Of The Divine Human – Unlocking The Seals On Our DNA Template For The New Earth Reality

By on September 29, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Romeo Baron, We are in the final count down into the number of days left before Everything Changes. A while ago, our OverSoul Family placed protective seals on our DNA template until the time came when we would be truly ready to access our highest DNA potential. The reason why protective seals were placed […]

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