Tag: polarity

Being In Two Places At The Same Time
by Dennis Klinger, Contributing Writer,In5D.com You’ve played your role perfectly. You have become what you need to be. Everything is about perspective. Happiness is about perspective. Everything that happens to you adds to who you are. How does tragedy add to the person I am? How does tragedy make me a better person? I don’t […]

We Are Here To Change The Universe
by Dennis Klinger, Contributing Writer,In5D.com We are here to change the universe. There are things inside this universe that will always be different because we were here, because we changed them and time records the changes. We are here to turn the soil and leave the world a different place, giving it a life while […]

The Secret To An Accelerated Conscious Awakening
by Andrea Schulman, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Are you in the midst of a conscious awakening? Contrary to often popular opinion, although many people can reference the “start” of their awakening, an awakening is an ongoing process. Being consciously “awake” isn’t an ending. Rather awakening is a never-ending process of becoming more consciously awake as we go […]

Thoughts And Intentions For 2017
by Doug Henderson, PhD, O.M., ICQBT, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Some say 2017 will be a challenging year. I say, it will be whatever you choose to make it. The primary law of duality is summed up in the words, “I am only ever experiencing myself.” It’s a choice, a Free Will choice. DUALITY Duality means that […]

Rise Of The Divine Human – Unlocking The Seals On Our DNA Template For The New Earth Reality
by Romeo Baron, We are in the final count down into the number of days left before Everything Changes. A while ago, our OverSoul Family placed protective seals on our DNA template until the time came when we would be truly ready to access our highest DNA potential. The reason why protective seals were placed […]

Remind Me Again, Why Did I Incarnate Into This Sh*thole?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Did you ever wonder why you decided to incarnate into these lower vibrations of the third density? When we were back on the other side with Source, life seemed so easy. We had the answers to all universal questions and lived in the complete vibration of […]

How To Remove Past Life Karma Through The Universal Law Of Wisdom
Do certain painful experiences, such as repetitive bad relationships, come into your life on a consistent basis? Is there anything that you have done in this lifetime that you have regretted because it may have hurt someone else? If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, then you will finally be able to cut off all ties to any past karmic relationships!

The Role Of Polarity
The role of polarity in this reality is pivotal and for individual advancement it must be understood and embraced. From early on in our lives we are taught what is good. Good is usually related to positive.