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Tag: dream

New Moon In Pisces  The Third Eye & The Dream World

New Moon In Pisces The Third Eye & The Dream World

By on February 18, 2023 in Astrology with 0 Comments

New Moon In Pisces February 19/20, 2023: Creating Art; The Dream World; Honoring All Emotions; Stepping Into Nonduality

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13 Signs You Are Ready To Go Home To The New Earth

13 Signs You Are Ready To Go Home To The New Earth

According to late Dolores Cannon’s hypnotherapy research, a New Earth is being formed where many of us will go in the near future.  Much of this is based on vibration, not only of our planet, but each individual on this planet.

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How To Induce Lucid Dreaming

How To Induce Lucid Dreaming

By on October 9, 2019 in Science, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

At least half of all adults have had one lucid dream in their lifetime. Many have reported having lucid dreams without even trying. Often flying is associated with lucid dreams. With practice, lucid dreaming can be learned and achieved at your will.

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17 Advanced Signs Of Spiritual Awakening

17 Advanced Signs Of Spiritual Awakening

By on June 10, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We’re entering a new spiritual awakening paradigm of thought which is exponentially gaining momentum.  People are waking up and are facing their biggest fears, only to find out that this reality is a dream inside of a dream.  In other words, we never die and our waking lives are merely a reflection of the subconscious mind which always brings us our biggest obstacles and fears in order to overcome these obstacles and to grow spiritually.

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8/8 Lion’s Gate – What Just Happened?

8/8 Lion’s Gate – What Just Happened?

By on August 10, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We are about to blow the roof off!! All new realities are available for all, all that is needed is an open heart to open up and receive our gifts and blessings. It really is that simple.

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50 Signs Of Quantum Upgrades

50 Signs Of Quantum Upgrades

By on January 30, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Enough people have woken up, changed lifestyles, habits, thought and behavior patterns, embracing expansion of consciousness. A tipping point has been realized. What does all this look like? Feel like? How are others experiencing this recalibration of our mindbodysoul beings?

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Do We Skip Over 4D?

Do We Skip Over 4D?

By on October 12, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Did you ever wonder why everyone is saying that we’re going to 5D?  What happened to 4D and what is it?

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4 Types Of Multidimensional Beings

4 Types Of Multidimensional Beings

By on August 30, 2017 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

There are some beings that are working with humans here on earth who are helping with our spiritual transformation. These include Guides, Angels and Extra-Terrestrials. There are other multidimensional beings that can and do interact with us such as Animals, but these are the main ones that you will be in contact with and who will be helping with your spiritual awakening. For this reason I will give a brief description of these beings.

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Time Traveling In Your Dreams

Time Traveling In Your Dreams

By on August 23, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The thought of time traveling has always fascinated me. On a gut level, I truly feel this is a possibility. Even when I think of some of my favorite movies, they involve time travel, such as Back to the Future and Somewhere in Time.

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2017 To 2025 – What To Expect In This 9 Year Cycle

2017 To 2025 – What To Expect In This 9 Year Cycle

By on August 18, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Humanity has entered a most pivotal period in Gaia’s history. The earth year of 2017 is known to many cross galaxies to be the pedestal of change.

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Ascended Earth Dream

Ascended Earth Dream

By on July 9, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

A few nights ago, I had a fascinating three-past ascension dream, rich in symbolism. It illustrated how Gaia has prepared for her ascent into the fifth dimension. Part of this involves passing the torch to her replacement, the soul of the new Earth-like planet. It also showed how the Earth has trifurcated, thus allowing us to float between three dimensions as we work through our ascension process. I was even given a preview of what awaits us in 5D.

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Ascension Signs

Ascension Signs

By on June 24, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Ascension messages are flowing in daily. The following two messages were received this week. One came from the clouds; the other, from a dream. The messages are clear: something big is happening. Can you feel the excitement?

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Dreams Of The Crystalline World

Dreams Of The Crystalline World

By on March 20, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

I’ve heard we are given information from the next dimension when we are ready to receive it. And we don’t get to decide when we are ready. Lately I’ve been wondering how much longer it will be before I’m ready to receive more information. That question was answered recently and I’m so grateful as I feel like I’ve been on a plateau for a very long time.

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Are You BEing Your Ascended Aspect You All of the Time?

Are You BEing Your Ascended Aspect You All of the Time?

By on January 23, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Okay loves. We had a huge blast of PURE SOURCE LIGHT earlier (not the biggest we’ve ever experienced, yet powerful non-the-less. Seems this huge upgrade lasted 3 days thus far. Anytime we have PURE SOURCE LIGHT it activates dualistic human’s stuff to trigger to come up. There have been reports lately of many going through deep Atlantean cleansings, well…… here comes a huge one…

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Summoning Dreams Without Lucid Dreaming

Summoning Dreams Without Lucid Dreaming

By on December 27, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Ask your guides and dream the answer! by Missy Marston, Do you ‘dream in color’? Can you often remember your dreams when you wake up? If so, congratulations! If not, check out this article on how to remember your dreams. Now, do you have a question you’d like your guides to answer but you […]

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