8/8 Lion’s Gate – What Just Happened?
by Kim Semetis,
Contributing Writer,In5D.com
We are about to blow the roof off!! All new realities are available for all, all that is needed is an open heart to open up and receive our gifts and blessings. It really is that simple.
The Lions Gate Portal blew wide open on August 8th! The energy was sweet and soft, yet the quantum energy could be felt flowing throughout the physical vessel. We have been super quantum for a days, accomplishing much as we zoom around with quantum energy completely connected to the unified field of consciousness. It’s an amazing place to be/do/experience.
Once we go quantum there is no going back baby, and we wouldn’t want to!
There is a mystical, magical feeling in the air bringing us so much joy as our heart/higher heart activations have been revving up with a lion’s roar!! Rowr!!!! These activations have been opening us up to love of the purest form. We will experience more love not only for self but also for everything and everyone. We may notice that we will begin, if we are not already, to fall in love with the most tiniest things, the beauty of a flower can cause heart expansions as never before. We begin to notice how beautiful the sky is as we begin to see all new colors in the higher dimensions. The key is to live in the moment, if we are living in our head and in the past or present, then we MISS the extraordinary in each moment…..there is so much to see and feel when we open our hearts and live in the moment.
The Lions Gate Codes that are coming in at the present moment are still sweet, soft and exquisite and are lulling us into such a beautiful, peaceful space to relax after all that quantum jumping and timeline collapsing that we have been doing. Perhaps we deserve a night of rest, yet we are still writing as the unified field of consciousness is always flowing through us. Enjoy each moment as it is, it is perfect, it is beautiful, it is peaceful the more we connect.
The Lions Gate brings forth many treasures and one of them is abundance of all kinds of gifts. Of course, most focus on financial abundance, and this is a part of it. But we also need to notice other forms of abundance, such as healing of family wounds ( as we do this it heals all the way down the bloodline, clearing for all), old friendships reemerging in all new ways, finding new love in new ways in all ways, opening our minds and hearts to higher consciousness as never before. We have to LOOK for the gifts that have been given to us in each moment, never taking anything for granted ever again. The KEY CODE to abundance is giving GRATITUDE FOR ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!!! This is how we RAISE our VIBRATION and attract all new VERY GOOD things to us in each moment. The more that we OPEN UP to receive and allow beauty to come to us in different and unusual ways, ways we could never DREAM of, then more will present, as a flower unfolds naturally to reveal it’s beauty. This lions gate assists us in capturing these moments as they present, noticing and appreciating all the gifts that are offered to us in all new ways. We are able to truly SEE as never before as the pineal gland is further activated. Signs of the pineal gland activations are headaches, mild to quite uncomfortable and blurry/foggy eyes. Today the eyes have been activating with blurry eyes. This assists with learning to SEE in all new ways.
The Lions Gate is a very special time for me as my birthday is 8-18, so these numbers hold a very sacred significance to me. As does the lion as I am a Leo. Last nights sleep was so beautiful and peaceful and everytime that I woke up I was in a state of complete bliss and total state of gratitude, thanking the universe in my sleep for the joy that sings in my heart as my heart expands even further. This joy within is a sure sign that we have arrived into 5D and higher, as we feel happiness for no reason in particular, it just is! Bask in this unity consciousness that is here for all as the gatekeepers/gridkeepers/love warriors/wayshowers have been working very diligently for a long time to further assist and make this available to all.
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We thank all those for their continual service, wanting nothing in return, as they are simply doing what they can to create all new love realities for all as we all assist in creating our beautiful new Earth.
Have a beautiful, mystical and magical Lions Gate 8-8-18!
Love Blessings to all,
Kim Semetis ~ Divine Warrior Goddess
Sessions, Activations, Articles, sacred oils and coming soon, will be crystals are available at:
YouTube Channel: Divine Warrior Goddess
Kim is a WayShower, GridKeeper, Gatekeeper of the NEW EARTH. She has studied, practiced and taught spirituality/metaphysics for almost twenty years and served as a co-founder and ordained minister of a spiritual church for many years. She has dedicated her life to service of all of humanity. She is psychic clairvoyant medium, Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Fairyologist, and Empath and Meditation Specialist. She offers private readings by phone or in person as well as healing Reiki Sessions. Dubbed as the Divine Warrior Goddess by her guides in 2016 because she intuitively gets to the heart of the matter not only in herself but with her clients to get in there and identify the root cause of their pain and suffering so that it can be faced, healed and then finally released once and for all. This will also in turn, heal issues from past-lives as well and will affect all timelines of the individual in a very positive and profound way! She takes much joy and delight to see her clients learn, grow and heal! Kim also teaches many classes to help her clients move forward on their souls journey in this human incarnation as she guides and assists them in too many ways to list here.
Image: Pixabay
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