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Tag: Lion’s Gate

Living As Liquid Love As We Flow Through The Lions Gate

Living As Liquid Love As We Flow Through The Lions Gate

By on July 28, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The Lions Gate is now open and we are being asked to keep our thoughts pure in all ways as the are being magnetized at this powerful gateway. We urge you to focus on loving thoughts in all ways as these gates are WIDE OPEN.

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8/8 Lion’s Gate – What Just Happened?

8/8 Lion’s Gate – What Just Happened?

By on August 10, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We are about to blow the roof off!! All new realities are available for all, all that is needed is an open heart to open up and receive our gifts and blessings. It really is that simple.

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In5D FB Live w/ Gregg Prescott: Lion’s Gate Energies Ep. #6

In5D FB Live w/ Gregg Prescott: Lion’s Gate Energies Ep. #6

By on August 10, 2017 in In5D Live, Spiritual Awakening

In this episode of In5D Facebook Live, Gregg Prescott talks about the Lion’s Gate energies, an upcoming event (Weekend of Bliss, Rejuvenation, Meditations, And Harmonic Convergence), angels & guides, metaphysical abilities, The 4400, Ho’oponopono, and much more!

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True Freedom – Letting It All Go

True Freedom – Letting It All Go

By on September 20, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Kara Schallock, Life is as simple or as complicated as we want it to be. If we choose simple, we let go of all we are attached to; all we think we know and become an empty vessel. In this Emptiness, we get to the core of us and that is Love. There is […]

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August 2016 Fire Energies

August 2016 Fire Energies

By on August 7, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Let me begin by expressing immense gratitude for everything you are fulfilling right now, as we are going through tremendous changes and shifts that are taking place with exceptional waves of new understanding. For that is what is happening since the beginning of 2016: new waves of integration within the realms of understanding and the true nature of our Beingness expanding as we move. This brings us into constant adaptation and change.

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Will You Step Through The Lion’s Gate Opening On August 8th?

Will You Step Through The Lion’s Gate Opening On August 8th?

By on August 7, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Jocelyn Daher, The Spirit Science, There are many aspects to this stargate and I am going to be going through the significance of this event as well as how to utilize this time to it greatest ability. If you are listening this is the perfect time to ignite your energy power generator! For thousands […]

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Timeline Shift – The Third Wave of 2016

Timeline Shift – The Third Wave of 2016

By on July 31, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Sandra Walter, Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, The energies for the September wave, our third amplification of 2016, are already arriving. To recap: The first wave (late December – January) was aimed at dissolving looping programs which interfered with HUman perception of the Shift in consciousness. These programs which kept people doing the same things, […]

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