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Tag: elder

FREE mp3: Past Life Regression Self Hypnosis

FREE mp3: Past Life Regression Self Hypnosis

This free past life regression mp3 really works! Listen to this when you are about to fall asleep. Your past life regression will come to you in your dreams.

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The Maya Pleiades Connection

The Maya Pleiades Connection

By on September 30, 2015 in Extraterrestrials, Prophecy

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In the Pleiades, one of the stars is called Maia. Is it possible that the Maya are from this star system? The Mayan ancestors will return, according to one particular Mayan elder, stating, ‘The Mayan ancestors have said that they will return. Do not forget us, […]

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Inuit Elders – The Earth Has Shifted

Inuit Elders – The Earth Has Shifted

By on April 26, 2015 in Science

A new warning has come to NASA from the Inuits. They are warning that the change in climate is not due to global warming but rather, because of the Earth shifting a bit.

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Our Next Stage Of Spiritual Evolution: Luminous v. 1.0

Our Next Stage Of Spiritual Evolution: Luminous v. 1.0

By on February 17, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Imagine if our planet didn’t have walls and boundaries that separate us?  Imagine replacing all governments with a tribunal of elders who worked in the best interests of humanity?  THIS is the “New World Order” that needs to be implemented.

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1,000 Mayan Codices Discovered in Museum Basement

1,000 Mayan Codices Discovered in Museum Basement

By on October 30, 2011 in Prophecy with 0 Comments

One of the Mayan codices, in particular, is of great interest to the Maya who stated the codex represented “the essential pieces of information that we needed. This is how we go 4th dimensional.”

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