1,000 Mayan Codices Discovered in Museum Basement
Over 1,000 Mayan codices were discovered in the basement of a Los Angeles museum, presumably owned by Randolph Hunt and donated to the museum. Two other codices were found by the Maya Itza Council and have been analyzed for the past 10 years. If that’s not enough, 7 additional codices were found by a treasure hunter. Carbon dating has authenticated these sacred texts and professional photographs have been taken for the Maya Itza Council to analyze the meaning behind these lost codices. One of the codices, in particular, is of great interest to the Maya who stated the codex represented “the essential pieces of information that we needed. This is how we go 4th dimensional.”
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Editor, In5D.com
(CHICHEN ITZA) – The Itza Mayan Council has confirmed the addition of two Mayan codices that the world has never seen. The council has been exploring these codices for the past ten years. To prove the authenticity, the codices have been carbon dated back to the 1300’s and authenticated by two different universities. One of the codices is called the Windcall Codex which is 13 pages long and unfolds like an accordion to show 13 pages on the backside as well.
On the first page of the codex, it shows five Mayans doing a ceremony while holding five crystal skulls. The skulls are implemented all throughout the codex until the last page, where a transformation appears to be taking place in Chichen Itza.
According to Mayan elder Hunbatz Men, these codices were discovered in a Los Angeles museum. Hunbatz asked Drunvalo Melchizedek to obtain the original codices from the museum but upon conferring with the museum’s curator, he was denied due to the new antiquities laws.
However, the curator informed Melchizedek that there were over 1,000 codices in the museum’s basement originating from a Randolph Hurst collection stemming from the 1920’s. It would take considerable time, around 10 years or so, to purchase these items, so Melchizedek suggested to Hunbatz that the codices were to be photographed. Melchizedek estimated a total of 75,000 pages are available to be photographed and analyzed by the Maya.
It is generally believed that the Mayan calendars were used to record cycles in time. Melchizedek stated that cycles do not care when a cycle ends or begins and that there was no cycle that ended on October 28, 2011. However, Drunvalo added that a cycle does end on December 21, 2012, when the galactic alignment occurs. At that moment, the cycles begin anew.
The Mayan long Count calendar and the precession of the equinoxes end on December 21, 2012. Drunvalo added, “That does not mean when the culmination of the prophecies takes place” as agreed by Mayan elder, Don Cirillo. There is a window of time in which the Maya prophecies can be fulfilled which began in October 2007 and ends in late November to December of 2015.
The Maya believe that at this current point in time, the codices belong to the world because they can provide an understanding of events that were prophesized to happen hundreds of years ago. Additionally, the Maya are encouraging the entire process to be filmed so they can explain what they’re doing and why they’re doing it, due to the world implications on all levels.
If that wasn’t enough, a treasure hunter contacted Melchizedek stating he had discovered seven more codices who wanted Melchizedek to help him get them back to the Maya. The treasure hunter professionally photographed the codices and sent them to Melchizedek on cd’s, who then forwarded them to the Itza Maya council. Upon confirmation that these codices were authentic, the Maya contacted Melchizedek to report how those 7 codices were “the essential pieces of information that we needed. This is how we go 4th dimensional.”
“The prophecy is actually happening as they said,” stated Melchizedek. “They said it would begin in 2010, when it would all start unfolding and it’s still rapidly moving forward and their knowledge is being returned to them right now.”
This is also why the crystal skulls are being brought across the United States, at this point in time in which ceremonies in specific places are taking place, ending in Los Angeles.
Astonishingly, the Mexican government will not allow the Itza Council to do a ceremony on December 21, 2012 at the Chichen Itza pyramids. From the Maya viewpoint, if they don’t do these ceremonies, it will mean the end of life for the planet.
Approximately 3-4 months ago, a corporation with heavy financial backing called Unify Earth (whose sole purpose is bringing unity to the planet) leased the Chichen Itza pyramids on December 21, 2012 for the Itza Maya Council to perform their ceremony.
This event is expected to be televised to 2.5 billion people. After the ceremony, the Mayan elders will speak to the world for about 30 minutes.
The following is from Drunvalo’s website:
They say ‘there’s no such thing as too much of a good thing’; believe it or not, there is even more good news fueling this story. The “11:11:11 Crystal Skulls, World Mysteries, LA Gateway Event”, along with all of the ceremonial gatherings that take place as the Elders travel across the United States, are just the beginning; they are a ‘gateway’ to a series of unprecedented live events that will bring the secrets of the ages to the attention of the entire world.
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As it turns out, Unify Earth, the organization that is sponsored by the people who gave us ‘Live Aid’, ”We are the World’, and other mega-events with a humanitarian purpose, has gotten behind Hunbatz Men, Pedro Pablo Chuc Pech, and the Mayan Council and they want to provide a vehicle for the Elders’ message to be spread to every corner of the Earth. In collaboration with Cirque de Soleil, ‘Google’, NBC, Santana, Elevate Films, and others, all of the above have come together to sponsor a series of spectacular performances that will carry the seeds that are sown in the soon to be actualized Crystal Skull Ceremonies to hearts and minds all over the planet.
Throughout 2012, on the March 21st Spring Equinox, the June 21st Summer Solstice, and the September 21st, Autumn Equinox, Cirque de Soleil will present special performances with themes that embody the wisdom of the ancients, the secrets of the Great Shift of the Ages, and the connection between the mysteries of the heart and the awakening of human consciousness. At the heart of each performance will be the wish to open the mind and the heart of humanity to the Ascension process, and to the prospect of a beautiful future in a whole new world.

This series of blockbuster performances will culminate in a fourth mega-event that will broadcast live, from the Great Pyramid at Chichen Itza on the 2012 Winter Solstice. On the night Cirque de Soleil will take over the entire Chichen Itza Temple complex. The Chichen Itza Pyramid will be transformed into a stage, upon which the artists and performers of the Cirque de Soleil will work their incredible magic. Carlos Santana, the man who has been a clear channel for the Music of the Spheres for over fifty-years, will be the Master of Ceremonies for the main event. If that isn’t enough, the Winter Solstice show will include an unprecedented, full regalia ceremony with the Mayan Elders. Yes, that’s right folks; the Elders will be there too; they are coming down from the mountains to be part of this.
At 11:11 PM, on the night of the 2012 Winter Solstice spectacular, at the exact moment when our Sun and the Earth go into alignment with the center of the galaxy, the Elders, and the Cirque de Soleil performers will present a guided meditation that will unite over two-billion viewers in their hearts and open the space for all of humanity to embrace the unconditionally-loving light of the Divine Feminine. The time has come; the ‘Quarantine’ is about to be lifted. This event, and all of the ceremonies and performances leading up to it, are the manifestation of a dream, and of a rise in consciousness that will help us to remember who we really are and guide us out of the darkness into the Light.
Sending you all infinite LOVE and Light!
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Gregg Prescott, M.S., is the founder and editor of In5D and Zentasia. In 2009, Gregg launched In5D after experiencing what he describes as a “galactic download,” which provided him with the name “In5D” and the guidance to create the website. He co-owns In5D Club with his beautiful wife, Ali. His In5D Facebook page has over 370,000 followers, and his In5D YouTube channel has amassed 146,000 followers. Gregg is a visionary, author, a transformational speaker, and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. Follow Gregg and In5D on various social media platforms, including Rumble, YouTube, Gab, Telegram, In5D Bitchute, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and TruthSocial to stay updated on his latest content and events./
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