Tag: december 21 2012

Astronomy 101 – Introduction to Stargazing
Many of us watch the night skies, but what is it we are really seeing? The following information should help to give you a better grasp of the constellations you can view at night when stargazing.

What Really Happened With The 2012 Time Travel Predictions?
Many of us heard about some amazing time travel predictions where people tried to see past 2012 and could only see what they described as “white light”. What really happened in these experiments and what did the white light ultimately represent? Montauk: Two American seamen jumped off the USS Eldridge during the Philadelphia Experiment on […]

Anunnaki Message? The Crop Circle Ea Enki, Nibiru and Marduk
Compiled by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, In5D.com A crop circle was encoded to reveal a message of Ea Enki, who is a God of Sumerian (Enki) and Babylonian (Ea) mythology. A band of southern constellations refer to his name, the stars of Ea. E-A, in Sumerian, means ‘the house of water’ which can also be […]

What Is This 51 Percent That Everyone Is Talking About?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com A lot of people are curious about what is in store for us in the future. While no one can be 100% sure of anything, some sources have given us a glimpse of what to expect. Two of those sources specifically mention the number, 51%. Dolores […]

Artifacts Prove Mayans Had Alien Contact!
Amazing Mayan artifacts prove the extraterrestrial connection between the Maya and their galactic visitors.

1,000 Mayan Codices Discovered in Museum Basement
One of the Mayan codices, in particular, is of great interest to the Maya who stated the codex represented “the essential pieces of information that we needed. This is how we go 4th dimensional.”

Nassim Haramein at the Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library
Physicist Nassim Haramein talks about unlocking the truth to sacred geometry, fractals, the Mayan calendar, Crop Circles, cabalistic traditions, chakras, Sun Gods, God. Jesus and Freemasonry (more specifically, the Knights of Templar).

DNA Upgrade, The Shift and Ascension
As the frequencies are rising, our anatomical structure is changing in accordance to this shift. Our DNA resonates with these gradual changes. Many people are discovering or rediscovering hidden abilities that they had when they were children, along with newly founded abilities, such as seeing auras in other people, telepathy or ESP.