Tag: empathetic

What Type Of Star Child Are You?
by Ginny Marston Metamissy.com Are you an Indigo, Crystal, or Rainbow Child? What type of Starchild are you? Indigo Children: Lacks patience which can easily frustrate or bore them. Are able to sense authenticity with ease – human lie detectors. Have a very high sensitivity level to sight, sound, taste, smell and even touch. Empathetic […]

All About Tulpas – Deliberately Created Imaginary Friends
The concept of a tulpa comes from Buddhism, specifically the Indian and Tibetan sects. Indian Buddhism considers tulpas to be “mind-made bodies”, and used the technique as a way to explore other realms. Tibetan Buddhists considered tulpas to be “thoughtforms” and used them to master discipline.

Are You A Starseed? 21 Signs To Look For
Do you sometimes feel like you came from another planet? How many of the 21 starseed signs do you have?