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Tag: energy vampires

All About Shadow People

All About Shadow People

Have you ever seen some energy out of the corner of your eye and when you looked, nothing was there? More and more people are talking about seeing shadow people and are wondering who they are and what their purpose is. Shadow people are commonly reported as being seen through peripheral vision and while you may feel something was there, the shadow person is either gone or quickly moving away from you by the time you turn your head.

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10 Things You Notice Near An Empath

10 Things You Notice Near An Empath

By on August 30, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

I want you to think about times you have interacted with someone and felt all the same feelings they have…or perhaps they have told you things you just didn’t really need to know.

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Michael Tsarion – Psychic Vampires

Michael Tsarion – Psychic Vampires

By on January 17, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Author and esoteric researcher Michael Tsarion talks about psychic vampires. Tsarion believes the medical community is way behind in their acknowledgment in this area. Tsarion stated, “Vampirism isn’t simply the old cliché of being sucked of energy.  This is what all of the other teachers and […]

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Activating Your DNA With The Source Floodlight

Activating Your DNA With The Source Floodlight

By on October 30, 2015 in Exiting The Matrix with 0 Comments

Many New Age methods are becoming transparent or simply not working at all for lightworkers, energy workers, and starseeds. Methods that use the white light to heal or to transmute energy within your body are beginning to uncover hidden problems. Because of the new energies bathing the planet, I have been drawn to share the most effective method of transmuting energies using the Golden Source Floodlight.

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How To Defend Yourself Against Astral Energies

How To Defend Yourself Against Astral Energies

By on July 27, 2015 in Awareness, Exiting The Matrix

I have been inundated lately with reported cases of demonic attacks, psychic vampirism, hallucinations, etc. As a holistic life coach, I have been working with people to explain what is happening and why, as well as what we can do about it. This video touches on who and what is attacking, the reasons why you or your loved one is being targeted, and what you can do.

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What We Can Do Now To Stop AI Technology And Brain Mapping

What We Can Do Now To Stop AI Technology And Brain Mapping

By on July 16, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Silent Weapons are being used against humanity with the intention to take control of the brain functions of humans. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the term used to describe the hive mind extraterrestrial technology or super brain computer that the controllers of this planet would like to plug everyone’s brain into. It is important to learn about this technology, how it is implemented, and what we are going to do about it.

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How To Recognize An Energy Vampire And What To Do

How To Recognize An Energy Vampire And What To Do

By on June 19, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

I will start off by saying that everyone that is reading this article has most likely had an experience with an energy vampire living in the type of society we do today.

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30 Empath Traits – Are You One?

30 Empath Traits – Are You One?

As soon as you heard or read of the term ‘Empath’, you knew that it described you and it probably came with a huge sigh of relief when you discovered that there was a title for your ‘condition’. Hopefully, the info below will give you a few more ‘a-ha’ or ‘eureka’ moments in your quest of self discovery.

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How Negative Energy Affects Your Life And How To Clear It

How Negative Energy Affects Your Life And How To Clear It

By on March 18, 2015 in Health

You know that like attracts like, right? So here’s the deal: Positive people are drawn to positive energy; negative people are drawn to negative energy.

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How to Recognize An Energy Vampire And What To Do About It

How to Recognize An Energy Vampire And What To Do About It

By on February 25, 2015 in Health

I will start off by saying that everyone that is reading this article has most likely had an experience with an energy vampire living in the type of society we do today.

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Do We Need Our Chakras?

Do We Need Our Chakras?

By on September 29, 2014 in Meditation

There has been some buzz lately about whether or not we need our chakras at this point in humanity’s consciousness development. Some are saying that they are now ready to consider either merging their chakras into one energy center and some say they are ready to dissolve their chakras. Others ridicule these theories all together, saying that we need our chakras as human beings in order to exist in physicality.

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Psychic Vampires – How to Recognize and Protect Yourself From an Energy Vampire

Psychic Vampires – How to Recognize and Protect Yourself From an Energy Vampire

By on August 24, 2013 in Awareness

Energy vampirism is a parasitic relationship in which one person feeds off of the life force (also known as prana) of another person. These people who drain other’s energy are referred to as psychic vampires. But despite this definition, it is impossible to take energy from someone else. So why does it feel possible? In […]

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In5D Radio Kelley Rosano – The Collapse Of The Matrix Ep. #4

In5D Radio Kelley Rosano – The Collapse Of The Matrix Ep. #4

By on April 16, 2013 in Astrology, In5D Radio

On Monday, April 15th, 2013, in5d Radio’s special guest was Astrologer Kelley Rosano and we covered a WIDE range of topics including the collapse of the matrix, Pluto in Capricorn, Boston Marathon, bombing, lightworkers,  reptilians, the Golden Age, energy vampires and much more!

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