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Tag: extraterrestrials

Scientists Observed This Man Travel Outside Of His Body – What He Saw Was Incredible

Scientists Observed This Man Travel Outside Of His Body – What He Saw Was Incredible

By on March 18, 2016 in Extraterrestrials

by Jeff Wilson The Spirit Science A joint project between Stanford, NSA and CIA had one man, Ingo Swann, under observation, leave his body. He ‘visited’ a handful of celestial bodies, like Jupiter. This project was to experiment with remote viewing. Remote viewing is the process by which a person ‘leaves’ their body at location […]

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Is The Human Race Ascending To Higher Levels Of Consciousness?

Is The Human Race Ascending To Higher Levels Of Consciousness?

By on November 6, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

For millennia, many religions and spiritual teachers have been telling us that during 2012 and soon after, humanity will experience a special spiritual event called ascension. Is this event true or is it just a fantasy dreamed up by certain crazy people. My understanding of ascension is that it isn’t a fantasy, but a natural cycle of the Universe and we are in the middle of ascending to higher levels of consciousness.

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Breaking The Hypnotic Code Of Reptilians –  How To See Them!

Breaking The Hypnotic Code Of Reptilians – How To See Them!

By on November 1, 2015 in Exiting The Matrix

Are you ready to chew bubblegum and kick ass? One of the biggest advantages the Reptilians and occult controllers of this planet have over us is the ability to use illusion while being hidden in another dimensional frequency. How effective would their domination and control plan be if the veil was lifted like in the movie “They Live”?

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The September 2015 Wave X Awakening

The September 2015 Wave X Awakening

By on August 8, 2015 in Awareness, Science

by Dr. Kathy J. Forti, I once had a media and communications professor ask a packed auditorium of journalism students the interesting question: “What is the singular factor that affects all of humanity? A factor that can start or stop wars? That can raise up civilizations or destroy them?” Not one student could come up […]

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The Pleiadians 2015! Economic Collapse, Revolution and More!

The Pleiadians 2015! Economic Collapse, Revolution and More!

By on July 9, 2015 in Extraterrestrials, Spiritual Awakening

The Pleiadians channeled by Barbara Marciniak 03/21/15. Topics include 2015 predictions, extraterrestrials, Anunnaki, chakras, advanced technology, psychedelic drugs, demons, space wars, fracking, Malaysia plane, CERN, the 6th trumpet, revelations and more. In5D PATREON: Click here to help support our work thru Patreon. Your support is greatly appreciated!!!   Follow In5D on Patreon, Rumble, Telegram, Twitter, […]

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Astrophysicist – Extraterrestrials Have Visited Earth But They Think We Lack Intelligence

Astrophysicist – Extraterrestrials Have Visited Earth But They Think We Lack Intelligence

By on July 7, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Is it possible that extraterrestrials have visited the Earth but deliberately refrain from making contact with humanity because we are too stupid?

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Was Jesus An Extraterrestrial Or Possibly An Anunnaki Hybrid?

Was Jesus An Extraterrestrial Or Possibly An Anunnaki Hybrid?

By on June 13, 2015 in Awareness, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Is it possible that Jesus was an Anunnaki hybrid? From what we’ve seen over and over again, the truth is always hidden under a pile of lies and is twisted and turned upside down until what little truth remains is so obscured that we don’t know what to believe any more.

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Lisa Renee – Guidelines To Positive Spiritual Contact

Lisa Renee – Guidelines To Positive Spiritual Contact

By on May 23, 2015 in Extraterrestrials, Spiritual Awakening

We are poised for more direct experiences of Positive Spiritual Contact and that has some requirements to be careful of discerning the manipulation agendas.

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Russia Orders US: Tell The World About Aliens, Or We Will

Russia Orders US: Tell The World About Aliens, Or We Will

By on May 11, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by A stunning Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) report on Prime Minister Medvedev’s agenda at the World Economic Forum (WEF) this week states that Russia will warn US that the “time has come” for the world to know the truth about aliens, and if the United States won’t participate in the announcement, the Kremlin […]

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Anunnaki – Are Malevolent Extraterrestrials Controlling This Planet?

Anunnaki – Are Malevolent Extraterrestrials Controlling This Planet?

By on April 28, 2015 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

In a world where everything is upside down and backwards, one must ask if malevolent Anunnaki extraterrestrials are controlling this planet? Most people are content being economic slaves to a broken system of fiat currency and have no idea about who they are and what their true, divine purpose for being here is.

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Inuit Elders – The Earth Has Shifted

Inuit Elders – The Earth Has Shifted

By on April 26, 2015 in Science

A new warning has come to NASA from the Inuits. They are warning that the change in climate is not due to global warming but rather, because of the Earth shifting a bit.

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Dr. Edgar Mitchell – Aliens Are Real And Are Watching Us

Dr. Edgar Mitchell – Aliens Are Real And Are Watching Us

By on April 3, 2015 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

Edgar is a famous NASA astronaut that has walked on the moon. He says he has proof that the Grey aliens are real and that right now aliens are watching us!

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The Dropa Stone Discs And UFO Connection

The Dropa Stone Discs And UFO Connection

By on March 23, 2015 in Extraterrestrials

As humanity searches for its extraterrestrial roots, amount the enigmatic objects found along the way are the Drop Stones of Tibet. Who were the Dropa? The Dropa (also known as Dropas, Drok-pa or Dzopa) are, according to certain controversial writers, a race of dwarf-like extraterrestrials who landed near the Chinese-Tibetan border some twelve thousand years […]

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Top Secret Government Programs That Your Not Supposed To Know About

Top Secret Government Programs That Your Not Supposed To Know About

By on March 22, 2015 in Awareness, Extraterrestrials

The following is the alleged result of the actions of one or more scientists creating a covert, unauthorized notebook documenting their involvement with an Above Top Secret government program. Government publications and information obtained by the use of public tax monies cannot be subject to copyright. This document is released into the public domain for […]

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UFOs and Extraterrestrials in Art History

UFOs and Extraterrestrials in Art History

By on March 15, 2015 in Extraterrestrials

An unidentified flying object, often abbreviated UFO or U.F.O., is an unusual apparent anomaly in the sky that is not readily identifiable to the observer as any known object. Originally referred to popularly as “flying saucers” during the late 40’s, the term UFO became more widespread during the 50s at first in professional literature, but […]

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