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Top Secret Government Programs That Your Not Supposed To Know About

By on March 22, 2015 in Awareness, Extraterrestrials

Top Secret Government Programs That Your Not Supposed To Know About

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The following is the alleged result of the actions of one or more scientists creating a covert, unauthorized notebook documenting their involvement with an Above Top Secret government program. Government publications and information obtained by the use of public tax monies cannot be subject to copyright. This document is released into the public domain for all citizens of the United States of America.


  1. SIGMA is the project which first established communications with the Aliens and is still responsible for communications.
  2. PLATO is the project responsible for Diplomatic Relations with the Aliens. This project secured a formal treaty (illegal under the U.S. Constitution) with the Aliens.
    • The terms were that the Aliens would give us “our Government” technology and would not interfere in our History. In return we “our Government” agreed to keep their presence on Earth a secret, not to interfere in any way with their actions, and to allow them to abduct humans and animals.
  3. The Aliens agreed to furnish MJ-12 with a list of abductees on a periodic basis for Governmental control of their experiments with the abductees.
  4. AQUARIUS is the project which compiled the history of the Alien presence and interaction on Earth and the H0M0 SAPIENS.
  5. GARNET is the project responsible for control of all information and documents regarding the Alien subjects and accountability of their information and documents.
  6. PLUTO is a project responsible for evaluating all UFO and IAC information pertaining to Space technology.
  7. POUNCE project was formed to recover all downed and/or crashed craft and Aliens. This project provided cover stories and operations to mask the true endeavor, whenever necessary. Covers which have been used were crashed experimental Aircraft, Construction, Mining, etc. This project has been successful and is ongoing today.
  8. NRO is the National Recon Organization based at Fort Carson, Colorado. It’s responsible for security on all Alien or Alien Spacecraft connected to the projects.
  9. DELTA is the designation for the specific arm of NRO which is especially trained and tasked with security of all MAJIC projects. It’s a security team and task force from NRO especially trained to provide Alien tasked projects and LUNA security (also has the CODE NAME: “MEN IN BLACK”). This project is still ongoing.
  10. BLUE TEAM is the first project responsible for reaction and/or recovery of downed and/or crashed Alien craft and/or Aliens. This was a U.S. Air Force Material Command project.
  11. SIGN is the second project responsible for collection of Intelligence and determining whether Alien presence constituted a threat to the U.S. National Security. SIGN absorbed the BLUE TEAM project. This was a U.S. Air Force and CIA project
  12. REDLIGHT was the project to test fly recovered Alien craft. This project was postponed after every attempt resulted in the destruction of the craft and death of the pilots. This project was carried out at AREA 51, Groom Lake, (Dreamland) in Nevada. Project Redlight was resumed in 1972. This project has been partially successful. UFO sightings of craft accompanied by Black Helicopters are project Redlight assets. This project in now ongoing at Area 51 in Nevada
  13. SNOWBIRD was established as a cover for project Redlight A “Flying Saucer* type craft was built using conventional technology. It was unveiled to the PRESS and flown in public on several occasions. The purpose was to explain accidental sightings or disclosures of Redlight as having been the Snowbird crafts. This was a very successful disinformation operation. This project is only activated when needed. This deception has not been used for many years. This project is currently in mothballs, until it is needed again.
  14. BLUE BOOK was a U.S. Air Force, UFO, and Alien Intelligence collection and disinformation project. This project was terminated and its collected information and duties were absorbed by project Aquarius. A classified report named “Grudge/Blue Book, Report Number 13” is the only significant information derived from the project and is unavailable to the public, (from what I read before from other sources, this Report Number 13, talked about everything inside the Grudge history).


In 1949, MJ-12 evolved an initial plan of contingency called MJ-1949-04P/78 that was to make allowance for public disclosure of some data should the necessity present itself.

  • General Doolittle made a prediction that one day we would have to reckon with the Aliens and the Grudge/Blue Book, Report Number 13 stated that it appeared that General Doolittle was correct.

  • The Grudge/Blue Book Report Number 13 also mentioned that the document stated that many military government personnel and civilians have been Terminated, (murdered without Due Process of Law) when they had attempted to reveal the secret



This plan called for the use of MAJESTIC TWELVE as a disinformation ploy to delay and confuse the release of information should anyone get close to the truth. It was selected because the similarity of spelling and the similarity to MJ-12.

It was designed to confuse memory and to result in a fruitless search for material which did not exist (i.e. William Moore’s Documents?)




This plan called for a public announcement that a terrorist group had entered the United States with an Atomic weapon. It would be announced that the terrorists planned to detonate the weapon in a major city. Martial Law would be declared and all persons with implants would be activated by the Aliens.

That person, in this specific case, would be rounded up by MAJIC along with all dissidents and would be placed into concentration camps. The PRESS, the Radio and TV would be nationalized and controlled. Anyone attempting to resist would be arrested or killed.

NSA Security System

The National Security Agency, (NSA) was created to protect the secretly recovered flying disks, and eventually got compete control over all Communication Intelligence.

This control allows the NSA to monitor any individual through the mail, telephone, telex, faxes, telegrams, and now through on-line computer, monitoring private and personal communications as they choose.

In fact, the present day NSA is the current main expression of MJ-12 and PI-40 pertaining to the Flying Saucer Programs. Vast amounts of disinformation are spread throughout the UFO research field. Any witnesses to any aspect of the programs have their lives monitored in every detail, for each has signed a security catch.

For people who have worked in the program, including military members, breaking that oath could have anyone of the following direct consequences:

  • A verbal warning accompanied by a review of the security oath.
  • A stronger warning, sometimes accompanied by a brow-beating and intimidation.
  • Psychologically working on an individual to bring on depression that will lead to suicide.
  • Murder of the person, which is made to appear as suicide or an accident.
  • Strange and sudden accidents, always fatal.
  • Confinement in a special Detention Center.
  • Confinement in an Insane Asylum, where they are treated by mind-control and deprogramming techniques. The individuals are later released with changed personalities, identities, and altered memories.
  • Bringing the individual into the inside, where he or she is employed and works for them and where he or she can be watched. This is usually in closed facilities with little contact with the outside world. Underground facilities are the usual place for this.

Any individual who they perceive to be too close to the truth, will be treated in the same manner.


After all these years of research we have compiled these major facts about Aliens on Earth.

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  • Alien crafts from other worlds have crashed on Earth.
  • Alien crafts are from both Ultra-Dimensional sources and sources within this Dimension.
  • Early U.S. Government efforts at acquiring technologies were successful.
  • The U.S. Government has had live Alien hostages at some point in time.
  • The U.S. Government has conducted autopsies on Alien cadavers.
  • U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Security Agencies are involved in the cover-up of facts pertaining to the situation.
  • People have been and are currently being abducted, mutilated, murdered and kidnapped as a result of the UFO situation.
  • There is a current Alien presence on this planet among us that controls different elements of our society.
  • Alien forces maintain bases on Earth and on the Moon.
  • The U.S. Government has had a working relationship with Alien Forces for some time, with the express purpose of gaining technology in gravitational propulsion, beam weaponry and mind control.
  • Millions of cattle have been killed in the process of acquiring biological materials. Both Aliens and the U.S. Government are responsible for mutilations, but for different reasons.
  • We live in a multi-dimensional world that is overlapped and visited by Aliens/Entities from other dimensions. Many of those entities are hostile, and many are not hostile.
  • The basis for our genetic development and religions lies in intervention by non-terrestrial and terrestrial forces.
  • The truth about our actual technology far exceeds that perceived by the Public.
  • The United States Space program of today is a cover operation that exists for public relations purposes.
  • People are being actively killed in order to suppress the facts about the situation. The CIA and the NSA are involved so deeply that exposure would cause collapse of their overt structure.
  • Facts indicate Alien presence with in 5 to 10 thousand years.
  • Our civilization is one of many that have existed in the last billion years, “Milky Way time period”
  • Alien Psychology (see information in the following pages)
  • The Metagene factor


GUESTS Invited Aliens, with authorization of the U.S. Government to stay on Earth.
VISITORS Aliens who have come to earth for unknown missions.
PRISONERS Captured Aliens by the U.S. Government and/or other Governments.
RESEARCHERS Aliens who have come to Earth for Scientific Motives.
INTRUDERS OR MALEVOLENTS Aliens who are dangerous for our civilization because they don’t respect our society.
NEUTRALS Aliens who just observe our civilization and never interfere with us.
COLONIZERS Small groups of Aliens who have decided to live among us, (like us).
INTERACTORS Small groups of Aliens who have decided to interfere with our History, making changes when its possible.


There are some one hundred sixty (160) or more known types of Aliens visiting our world (Earth) at the present time, these are the most commonly seen types:

  1. Greys, type one (1) – The Rigelians from the Rigel Star system and are approximately four (4) feet tall, with a large head containing large slanted eyes, who worship technology and DON’T CARE ABOUT US. The type popularized in the “Communion” book by Strieber. They need vital secretions for their survival, which they are getting from us (earthlings).
  2. Greys, type two (2) – Come from the Zeta Reticulae 1 & 2 solar systems. Same general appearance as a type one (1), although they have a different finger arrangement and a slightly different face. These Greys are more sophisticated then the type ones (1). They possess a degree of common sense and are somewhat passive. They don’t require the secretions that the type ones (1) due.
  3. Greys, type three (3) – Simple cloning form of types one and two above. Their lips are thinner (or no lips). They are subservient to the type one and two Greys above.
  4. Nordics, Blondes, Swedes – Known by any of these names. They are similar to us. Blonde hair, blue eyes (some have dark hair and brown eyes and they’re shorter in height). They will not break the law of non-interference to help us. They will only intervene if the Greys activity were to affect us directly.
  5. Nordic Clones – They appear similar to us but with a grey tinge to their skin. These Nordics are controlled drones, created by the Greys, type ones (1).
  6. Intra-Dimensional (Not Para-Terrestrial) – Entities that can assume a variety of shapes. Basically of a peaceful nature.
  7. Short Humanoids – One and a half to two and a half feet tall, with skin bluish in color. They are seen quite frequently in Mexico near Chihuahua
  8. Hairy Dwarfs (Orange) – They are four (4) feet tall and weigh about thirty five (35) pounds. Their hair is the color of red. They seem to be neutral and respect intelligent life forms.
  9. Very Tall Race – They look like us but are seven to eight feet tall. They are united with the Swedes.
  10. Men In Black (MIBs) – They are not from the Delta or NRO division of the government. They are oriental or olive-skinned, there eyes are sensitive to light and have vertical pupils. They have very pale skin on some types. They do not conform easily to our social patterns. Usually they wear black clothes (sometimes all white or grey clothes), wear sunglasses and drive black cars. In groups they all dress alike. Sometimes time-disoriented. They cannot handle a psychological “curve ball” or interruption to their plans. They very often intimidate UFO witnesses and impersonate government officials. Equivalent of our CIA from another Galaxy.



(Seven ancestral Alien races that started our civilization here)

Some of the unanswered questions about the human evolution, started centuries ago, when disaster struck a mission involving seven different Alien races to Earth.

This information was recovered from PROJECT GENESIS III (G-lll) – ADN6.2 – CR-7/26TSW-3 and CLR-25/M6-722 – CLAS.ATR26/AC #672/B25, as well as other crash sites.

This information was recovered from PROJECT GENESIS III (G-lll) - ADN6.2 - CR-7/26TSW-3 and CLR-25/M6-722 - CLAS.ATR26/AC #672/B25, as well as other crash sites.





  • MISSION: Genetic Research and Colonization of the 3rd Planet (Terra) of the Star (Sol) “our sun” of the Milkyway Galaxy (N’erandha B’hai).


  • GROUP:

    1. Altaires

    2. Qizan Qal’Ats

    3. Tutakai Tikopais

    4. Kasimars

    5. K’ushui K’hotans

    6. Ahzdars

    7. Caspan Jassan Paegans

    1. Division of the area looks more like their original planets. Division of Terra, Mars, and Phaeton.
    2. Research with Earth Reptilians – caused a mutation now called the dinosaurs.
    3. Research with Mammalia mutations.
    4. Erased (Killed Off) Dinosaurs.
    5. Crisis at Star Sol, (our Sun).
    6. Destruction of the original mission.
    7. Survivors and their mental problems, left from destruction of mission.
    8. War between survivors.
    9. Destruction of Phaeton, creation of asteroid belt, (Van Allen asteroid belt).
    10. Survivors.
    11. Survivors separated and created the Ancient civilizations known as Lemuria, Mu, and Atlantis.
    12. H0m0 Sapiens, H0m0 Mermanus, and H0m0 Interior co-exist on Earth with survivors.
    13. New Aliens Landings by the Dominium Grey and Nordic races.

MISSION STAR MAP Code: UNA(Recovered from Crashed Alien Spaceship)

MISSION STAR MAP Code: UNA(Recovered from Crashed Alien Spaceship) in5d


Blue Planet Project by august star

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