Tag: facebook

Mandela Effects, Ascension Flu, Nothing but LOVE is REAL! In5D FB Live w/ Gregg Prescott Ep #14
In5D Founder Gregg Prescott talks about the Mandela Effects, Ascension Flu, and the nature of our own “reality”.

In5D Facebook Live – Gregg Prescott Ep. #3 – Recent Wave, Seeing Entities, Black Magic, & MORE!
In this episode of In5D Facebook Live, Gregg Prescott talks about the Recent Energy Wave, Seeing Entities, Black Magic, Crystals, Reincarnation, & MORE! If you would like to join in on my In5D Facebook Live, simply “Follow” me on Facebook and join in! The 1st episode got over 10,000 views on Facebook and the 2nd […]

Do You Know Someone Who Is Hiding Their Spirituality?
Do you know someone who is hiding their spirituality? As the awakening continues to gain momentum, many people are finding themselves caught between following their hearts and what other people might think of them.

5 Easy Tips To Reduce Negativity On Your Facebook Feed
Would you like to reduce negativity on your Facebook feed so you can scroll in peace? If you are trying to raise your vibration, you may have noticed that your Facebook feed can be a real landmine.

What Would People Think If You Instantly Disappeared Into A Higher Dimension?
It is also possible that we can make a transition into a Golden Age for humanity through various programs such as the Venus Project, where everyone can live in abundance, health, and prosperity without the need for money or the Ubuntu program, where everyone would only work three hours per week and could use the rest of their free time to pursue whatever interests they desire.

Every act of love raises the vibration of all the energy in the multiverse
Every act of love raises the vibration of all the energy in the multiverse.

Are Your Dreams Becoming More Intense And Vivid?
Have you noticed lately how your dreams have become more intense and vivid? If so, you are definitely not alone!