Tag: Fairies

New Earth Ascension
Here is the story of Earth ascending from 3D life into the 5D dimension. The Earth herself, is a great spiritual being in her own right, she is going through an enormous transition and evolution phase to Fifth Dimensional Consciousness (this is a more advanced level of living). This process is being done so Earth can realign with the rest of our Solar System in her ascension. Conditions facing humanity are going to change out of all recognition as a result of this transition.

Types Of Fairies
Compiled by Nancy Bragin, Contributing Writer,In5D.com The following explanation of the various types of fairies is an excerpt from an article entitled, ‘The Real World of Fairies: A First-Person Account‘ and was posted on Nancy Bragin’s Blissful Blog: Dora explains that fairies are essentially beings made of energy, and that the material they are built […]