Tag: fire
70 Year Old Prophecy Is Happening – Rare Upcoming Opportunity With Incoming Cosmic Waves Of Electricity
The following is the 70 year old prophecy of Peter Deunov, which regards the end of our civilization as we know it and the beginning of the Golden Age on Earth.
Carl Jung Astrology Quotes
Many people recognize Carl Jung as one of the founding fathers of psychology, but did you know he also had a fascination about astrology?
Hey Baby, What’s Your Sign? The Importance Of Astrology In EVERY Relationship
While it may seem like a lame pick-up line from the 1960’s, there is a lot of truth behind the compatibility of zodiac signs in every relationship in your life. If someone had tried to tell me about the importance of astrology 20 years ago, I would have looked at them as if they were crazy, but now, I know better.
How to Honor the Elements of Water, Fire, Air, and Earth
As one progresses into more advanced meditation techniques, he or she may decide to incorporate the four main elements into his or her meditation. The following is a simple guide to the four elements and the directions associated with these elements.
On The Cusp Of Change – I Have Loved For Thousands Of Lifetimes
If you are reading this, chances are you have been on this journey with me – perhaps in the metaphoric sense, perhaps in the literal sense. We each have had thousands of lifetimes, each one a spark in our awakening. Our Amazing Souls have spoken to us, lifetime after lifetime, calling us to Remember so that we may escape this dark matrix of control. The light has spoken to us through our connections with others as well as the dark. A tug-of-war you can say.
Etheric Energy – The 5th Element – The Aether
The legendary Fifth Element holds the key to the answer to one of today’s top mysteries in the worlds of physics and cosmology. Scientists estimate that 84% of the matter in the universe is composed of invisible dark matter, but they have no idea what it is. With a short venture into the world of metaphysics, you are about to find out the answer!
Planet Alert September 2015 – Wave X Is The Wave Of Love
by Mahala Gayle, Mahalas Astrology The magical month of September has arrived and it really came in with a roar here in Washington State with a major wind storm. At the time of the full moon of August 29th the planet Uranus, which rules wind and storms was conjunct the dark moon Lilith. This activated […]
These Zodiac Signs Are The Most Compatible With YOU!
Have you ever noticed how you are drawn to certain zodiac signs? Look at your best friends and you will see this pattern! What signs are the most compatible for you? find out here!
How Your Astrological Sign Can Determine The Success Of Your Relationships!
Is it possible that many relationships will succeed because they have compatible element signs while incompatible element signs tend to fail?
How To Guess Someone’s Astrological Sign
Has anyone ever guessed your astrological sign? It’s an amazing feat to perform and it requires research and practice. While not everyone believes this is possible or that the Zodiac has any meaning, here are some tips from those who believe it can be done.
In5D Radio – 2015 and Beyond – Astrologer Jim Dellicolli Ep. 31
In5D Radio – 2015 and Beyond – Astrologer Jim Dellicolli Ep. 31 In5D Radio is proud to bring back astrologer Jim Dellicolli, also known as PantherJim1995 on YouTube as we will be talking about what we can expect in 2015 and beyond from an astrological perspective.
In5D Radio – Astrologer Jim Dellicolli – Ep. #15
On Monday, July 1st, 2013, In5D Radio’s special guest was Astrologer Jim Dellicolli, also known as PantherJim1995 on YouTube. Hosts Kendra and Gregg Prescott talked with Jim about current and upcoming astrological alignments and how they play into our spiritual evolution.