Tag: free

20/20 Eyesight, 100% FREE, HOLISTIC and NATURAL: The Bates Method
Want 20/20 vision? Correct your eyesight with a FREE, holistic and natural method. THIS REALLY WORKS! My vision has improved from -4.75 to -3.75 after one month of doing the Bates Method!

FREE mp3: Past Life Regression Self Hypnosis
This free past life regression mp3 really works! Listen to this when you are about to fall asleep. Your past life regression will come to you in your dreams.

FREE GUIDE To Edible And Medicinal Plants – Herbal Medicine
Read this free in depth guide to Edible And Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicine. In case the energy grid goes down, you might want to consider printing this for your own survival needs.

Free Comprehensive Detailed Birth Chart
Learn every aspect of your day of birth with this free Comprehensive Detailed Birth Chart.

AMAZING! Woman Proves Sound Can Cure ANYTHING!
Sharry Edwards is an innovative pioneer in sound technology and has developed voice-wave software to cure virtually everything known to man! Imagine using your voice to analyze any medical condition within you? Imagine learning about a physical condition long before you knew it even existed within you? According to Sharry, frequencies are medicine of the future and by the time you finish this article, you’ll agree!

Improve Your Eyesight Naturally Without Glasses
Take this eye exam test – cover your eye with one hand and go down the chart until you can’t read the letters anymore:

This Video Exposes The Lie We Live
Preface by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com I often ask people, “What would you be doing if there was no such thing as money?” Some people will answer along the lines of, “That would be impossible to fathom” or look at me as if I’m crazy without realizing how trapped within the […]

Two Free Smartphone Apps That Will Eliminate Monsanto, Aspartame, HFCS And Processed Foods
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Despite numerous outcries for GMO labeling, no one really knows if the food they are buying contains GMO’s or not… until now. A new app called ‘Buycott” was unleashed in May of 2013 but was temporarily taken off the market because their server could not handle […]

FREE Love Compatibility Analysis
Feel free to use this program for any relationships in your life, whether it is your current spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, parents, children, relatives, etc…

Your Natal Astrology Chart – The Map of Your Soul’s Purpose
You can get a free birth chart reading here and use the coordinates for a free natal birth chart reading here. You can also get a Free Comprehensive Detailed Birth Chart right here on In5D. By Chris Zydel, MA What is it that allows you to wake up in the morning feeling energized and inspired? […]