Tag: frequency
How Frequency And Vibration Create The Structures Of Matter And Life
If we want to understand how the material world is created and what keeps it in a perpetual motion, we need to study the language of the living energy codes of matter, which is made of light, sound, and vibration. Most of us know that the material world is made of matter, but we do not understand the mechanics behind it.
A Vibration Visualization From Nassim Haramein
Consider your own body being made mostly of space. Close your eyes and experience the space that you’re made of and the space around you vibrating like a crystal. Then imagine that the rate of vibration of your biocrystal structure in the structure of the vacuum is equivalent to the information pouring in and out of you, in the same way that a crystal radio set tuned to a certain frequency allows you to hear a specific radio station.
The Miracle Of The 528 Hz Love Frequency Solfeggio
by Attuned Vibrations According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 528 Hertz is a frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything. It connects your heart, your spiritual essence, to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth. Let the […]
Allowing The Vibrational Change
Many of the symptoms we’re witnessing amongst those around us can be explained in terms of the vibrational change we’re undergoing. The shift is on, and people are responding by either welcoming or resisting it at all kinds of levels. It’s quite a fascinating phenomenon to behold, as well as a bit disturbing as people who don’t get it lash out at whatever influence they perceive is the culprit for their disorientation.
How Soul Growth Affects Relationships
Thousands of people all over the planet are shifting into higher states of consciousness and this is reflecting in our everyday relationships with people and society all around us. A lot of relationships are falling apart, mostly because one of the partners is starting to vibrate at a much higher frequency then the other. This is true for families and friendships as well.
Inner Earth Dracos And The False Light Campaign
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Guest Writer, In5D.com We know about the false light in the afterlife that has magnetically pulled our soul into the reincarnation trap. Now we are uncovering the campaign here on Earth that has kept us under a spell lifetime after lifetime so that we can finally break free of the false […]
Nothing Is Solid And Everything Is Energy
It has been written about before, over and over again, but cannot be emphasized enough. The world of quantum physics is an eerie one, one that sheds light on the truth about our world in ways that challenge the existing framework of accepted knowledge.
Acceleration 101
by Darshana Patel Contributing Writer, In5D.com Does it feel to you that time moves faster now than it did before? The days, weeks, months, and years seem to zip past us. Perhaps this acceleration is on the quantum level, the spiritual level. We attribute it to time because we have no other point of reference. […]
528Hz DNA Frequency Meditation Video – UNLOCK Your Codons!!!
For this meditation, wear headphones for optimal results! 528Hz DNA Frequency healing with holophonic bells mixed in with low and high theta binaural beats.
Awakening To Your True Self
Why do we meditate? Most will respond with answers like: health, calmness and clarity of mind, to get ‘present’, inner-guidance or to experience oneness. But, when someone answers with: ‘to find inner-happiness’ or ‘to realize True Self’, do you ever wonder if they really get what they are saying.
Step-By-Step Frequency Raising
A strategy for coming back into alignment when you’re feeling disconnected by Julie Rogers Hamrick (used with permission) Step One: Observe your feelings and listen to the conversation in your head without judging what you observe. If you feel angry, resentful, hurt, sad, fearful, or anything other than joyful, or if what you’re hearing in […]
Relationships In The New Energies
by Stefanie Miller Everything in creation holds an energy frequency. It seems so obvious to many of us. Yet, so many have not embraced that philosophy. There are those that still choose to live unconsciously and make choices that are not in direct alignment and in harmony with their lives. Living, as well as non-living […]
How To Break Archon Programming
John Lash has coined the definition of archons as being an artificial Intelligence (AI) program that has enslaved humanity over millions of years. In order for humans to beat the “system” during the final showdown, we need to know a few simple things that can be done to break the programming.
How The Consciousness Shift May Be Affecting You
Does life seem to be getting increasingly more challenging? Have your emotions been more intense lately? Does it seem like there are more thoughts racing through your mind? Have you noticed your body tensing up for no apparent reason? Have you been feeling a vague – or not so vague – sense of anxiety? Are you finding it difficult to get a good night’s sleep? Do you seem to be compelled to keep busy?