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Tag: Gateway

ENERGY UPDATE – Stepping Over The Edge In Trust And Faith Of The New

ENERGY UPDATE – Stepping Over The Edge In Trust And Faith Of The New

By on March 15, 2017 in Energy Updates

The Pinnacle of coming through the GATEWAY by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, “Stepping ‘over the edge’ in TRUST of the new and yes the old doubts will come in, it is then going ‘I am going to trust in this and take that step’ – and when we do so, the old then falls away […]

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11-11 Marker Point – Are You Ready?

11-11 Marker Point – Are You Ready?

By on November 11, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

A magical day it is! The last couple of days opened our 11/11 Portal Gateway more and thus far today, the frequencies are humbling, very soft, yet very “electrifying” too. The stimulating energies and higher dimensional frequencies are running through every cell of our Quantum Crystalline LightBodies subtly and softly right now.

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Preparing For The Third Wave And Timeline Shift

Preparing For The Third Wave And Timeline Shift

By on August 19, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Sandra Walter, Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Our third wave of 2016 will be very significant to our Ascension process. There is much light intel presenting for this particular Gateway, here are the details. Timeline Shift: Over the last few months the intel has been reminding us about the timeline possibility available in September. The […]

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