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Tag: grays

Past Life Research With “Chosen Ones” Reveals Matrix

Past Life Research With “Chosen Ones” Reveals Matrix

By on April 10, 2015 in Extraterrestrials

by Truman L. Cash Guest writer, A “chosen one” is an individual who is contacted and abducted by extra-terrestrials repeatedly from lifetime to lifetime. “Chosen ones” are sometimes placed in high-level positions in governments, secret societies and religions. The term “chosen one” is a term that the ETs themselves use both to flatter and […]

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A Guide To Earth’s Extraterrestrial Races

A Guide To Earth’s Extraterrestrial Races

By on March 20, 2015 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

We have had many lives and experiences that we are currently drawing upon. There are many races of extraterrestrials here on, in, and around the planet at this time.

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Starseed and Royalty Survival: How To Recognize Implants And Tags

Starseed and Royalty Survival: How To Recognize Implants And Tags

By on March 8, 2015 in Exiting The Matrix

by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer, Many people on the planet are having a more difficult time surviving and staying balanced and centered than others. There are several individual reasons for this; however there are some patterns that are apparent as to why some people are targeted by over others for implants or tags. It […]

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How To Create Your Galactic Code Of Discernment

How To Create Your Galactic Code Of Discernment

By on February 10, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening


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Extraterrestrial Races: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Extraterrestrial Races: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

By on January 13, 2015 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

We exist in a dualistic, holographic Universe where polarity can be felt in extreme measures. According to the Wes Penre Papers, as far as extraterrestrial races involved with planet Earth there are “good guys” and there are “bad guys”.

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Characteristics Of ET Races

Characteristics Of ET Races

By on January 9, 2015 in Enlightening Articles, Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

The following are characteristics of numerous extraterrestrial races.

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How To Exit The Reincarnation System

How To Exit The Reincarnation System

By on August 3, 2014 in Exiting The Matrix, Spiritual Awakening

We have all heard about the tunnel of light that our soul follows upon leaving the physical body, but what is the true meaning of the life review?  Why does a life review almost always involve having us continuously looping back into this 3rd dimensional reality and what can we do to stop these cycles of reincarnation?

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