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What Is It Like When You Made Your Soul Contract?

What Is It Like When You Made Your Soul Contract?

By on January 2, 2018 in Enlightening Articles, Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Are you aware of the many soul contracts you made before you were born? Imagine you are on the other side with Source and you are telling him that you would like to come back to this planet. This is what it might be like: Source: […]

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What Is A Soul Contract?

What Is A Soul Contract?

This topic covers the contracts we make before birth dealing with choices, people in our life, free will choice, pre-destined events and agreements. All of this takes place for our personal Soul’s growth and the evolution of our Soul. by Farley Malorrus By astrologically choosing the time and place of your birth, you determine the […]

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