Tag: harvest

UPDATED! Beyond Imagination! The Cosmic Wildcard
Is a Cosmic Wildcard on the way to Earth? Do you feel like something really big is on the horizon but you cannot put your finger on what it is? What if there was a ‘Cosmic Wildcard’ that no one can truly imagine? There are many possibilities that could qualify as the Cosmic Wildcard, so we will try to cover a few of them.

31 “What If’s” That Question Our Reality
We are taught to assume that everything we have been taught is the truth, but what if it wasn’t?

8 Popular Myths About Aliens
Many people have been conditioned to think negative of extraterrestrial aliens. This article will dispose many of those myths.

Provocative Interview With Alleged Ruling Illuminati Bloodline Priest
by Edward Morgan, PrepareForChange “Remember, always, that this is a beautiful game that we are playing here and co-creating together with our Infinite Creator. And that off stage (between lives), we are the very best of friends. No one really dies and no one really suffers, except in the game. The game is not reality. […]

New Earth Ascension
Here is the story of Earth ascending from 3D life into the 5D dimension. The Earth herself, is a great spiritual being in her own right, she is going through an enormous transition and evolution phase to Fifth Dimensional Consciousness (this is a more advanced level of living). This process is being done so Earth can realign with the rest of our Solar System in her ascension. Conditions facing humanity are going to change out of all recognition as a result of this transition.

Jupiter Ascending: Is This Movie Telling Us The Truth In Plain Sight?
It has been known by many spiritual teachers that humanity is in the process of going through a dramatic shift in consciousness. This special event is often referred to as ascension. Ascension can be a confusing topic to talk about, because there are many different versions of ascension. This article will explore the ascension process beyond religion and the New Age and expose some shocking things about ascension and the movie Jupiter Ascending.

How To Avoid Negative Harvesting And Reincarnation
Michelle Walling from in5d Network discusses the reincarnation cycle and what to do if you are finished with this third dimensional experience. She also discusses dying and how to go “home”.

Corey Goode’s GaiamTV Interview And Voice Analysis
The first 4 episodes were released on GaiamTV of contactee Corey Goode’s experiences with the Blue Avians and the Sphere Alliance. The first episode was released on YouTube but was subsequently pulled.

Quantum Consciousness
by Ervin Laszlo, I was delighted and honored to have the following article posted in the Pathways to Family Wellness magazine Spring 2012 issue. The article, as printed in the New Edge Science section of the magazine, is available in pdf format. Pathways to Family Wellness is a non-profit quarterly print and digital magazine with […]

Abduction Coverup! MJ-12 and Tau-9’s Extraterrestrial Time Travel Scandal
When President Truman was informed about the crash, he authorized Defense Secretary James Forrestal to set up a committee to investigate and deal with the situation. In 1952, when Dwight Eisenhower became President-elect, he was briefed on Operation Majestic-12. The briefing paper listed a 12-man committee and gave details of the UFO crash in Roswell. The final paragraph stressed the need to ‘avoid public panic at all costs’, confirming that the government was covering up the truth about UFOs.

8 Strawberry Moon Facts
Everyone’s buzzing about the “Strawberry Moon”! Here’s what makes it so special

Allowing The Vibrational Change
Many of the symptoms we’re witnessing amongst those around us can be explained in terms of the vibrational change we’re undergoing. The shift is on, and people are responding by either welcoming or resisting it at all kinds of levels. It’s quite a fascinating phenomenon to behold, as well as a bit disturbing as people who don’t get it lash out at whatever influence they perceive is the culprit for their disorientation.

What Does The Law Of One’s ‘Harvest’ Really Mean?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com There is a big difference between being one with Source versus being harvested like an ear of corn in order to bring yourself to the next level of spiritual progression. According to the Law of One: Ra is claimed to be from the “Confederation of Planets […]

What Is This 51 Percent That Everyone Is Talking About?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com A lot of people are curious about what is in store for us in the future. While no one can be 100% sure of anything, some sources have given us a glimpse of what to expect. Two of those sources specifically mention the number, 51%. Dolores […]

Why I Am No Longer A Lightworker
by Cameron Day No, I haven’t turned to the dark-side, but rather I am transcending sides. This article is probably the most important piece I have written to date, and in order to convey the full message, a bit of back-story is necessary. Hang in there with me, and by the end you will understand […]