Tag: headaches
3 Day Solar Storm
3 Day Solar Storm June 11-13 – Active Since Yesterday – Those Who Are Highly Sensitive To Electromagnetic Energies May Have Sensed This Energy Shift For The Past Two Days
Symptoms of Energy Shifts
As we are heading into the Age of Aquarius, new energies are encompassing our bodies and are reflected in various physiological symptoms. Within this transition of the ages, many people will begin to feel many of these energy shift symptoms on a regular basis as our bodies are adjusting and upgrading to the higher frequencies.
25 Strange “Symptoms” People Are Experiencing Worldwide
Below is the list of “symptoms” I myself and majority of my friends and clients have been and are presently experiencing, many reporting exact same phenomenon.
7 Essential Tools To Raise Your Vibration
We learnt a lot about ourselves, the matrix we call reality, and the strategies we can use to navigate stormy cosmic waters, karmic clear outs and negative energies. Here are 7 essential tools to help raise your vibrations.
Consciousness And Shifting
I wonder often where everyone is consciousness-wise these days. To me, it seems there is so much variety in where one is. Some seem to be flying high, while others appear to be floundering. Some seem to be ignoring everything, pretending, it seems, that nothing at all is occurring within and then some are so entranced by outer life that they are attached to the old matrix.
Navigating The New Energies
Wow! That’s the only word that instantly comes to mind when I think of the energy that has come to earth as we head into the eclipse season. This flow of energy is requiring us to maintain as much balance as possible while opening ourselves to the new. In many ways it feels as if the field becomes unstable because of the flux of energies and it is dedication to staying centered that secures it again.
16 Signs That You Have Hidden Healing Abilities
Everyone has the potential to be whatever they want and influence the world in whatever way they desire. There is no denying that each person has certain attributes that have been nurtured more than others. Whether done on purpose or subconsciously, its important that we be able to diagnose our strengths and attend to our weaknesses.
Wave X Awakening Symptoms And How To Deal With Them
by Jared Walters, Contributing Writer, In5D.com It is becoming increasingly obvious to anyone who is sensitive to energy, whether, your work as a healer, a medium, within the paranormal or are involved in any way with the esoteric that there is an energy shift going on throughout the world during this time of September 2015, […]
Migraines, Anxiety, Dizziness, And Other Intense Energy Shift Symptoms
The waves of higher frequency energy are coming in at a faster pace, and this may be causing some common physical symptoms that can’t always be explained by a traditional doctor. As we begin to shift through dimensional levels, the body is having to adjust in vibration and morph into a new version of human.
Health Complaints And Tips For Spiritually Gifted Individuals
Have you ever wondered why your body doesn’t seem to respond to supplements, medicines, or even diets the way other people do? Have you ever been baffled by why you developed a certain symptom or illness since the timing or type of ailment doesn’t seem to fit?
21 Tips for Light Workers To Better Understand, Minimize, or Avoid Depression
Depressed? Check out Max and Lana’s 21 tips to better understand, minimize, or avoid depression!
Ascension Symptoms: Aches, Pains And Headaches
During the process of cellular transformation, you may see or feel specific physical changes and sensations in your body and in the bodies of those around you, such as the following: