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25 Strange “Symptoms” People Are Experiencing Worldwide

By on February 6, 2017 in Enlightening Articles, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

25 Strange “Symptoms” People Are Experiencing Worldwide in5d in 5d

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by Isabella Greene 

Many people from all walks of life have been reaching out to me with questions and complaints about strange “symptoms” they’ve been experiencing on and off, sometimes feeling like they are “losing their minds”. The “symptoms” usually go on for a couple of weeks at a time and then subside, re-occurring again in correlation with cosmic and solar activity and people’s individual readiness to move to the next level.


Below is the list of “symptoms” I myself and majority of my friends and clients have been and are presently experiencing, many reporting exact same phenomenon.

1. Sugar/chocolate cravings

Personally I hardly ever get these as I do not have much of a sweet tooth, it was rather odd to have such nearly overpowering “need” for chocolate and sweets that came and went in waves.

2. Unfamiliar eating patterns

Loss of appetite, sudden quickly passing cravings and inability to figure out what you want to eat. Cravings for lighter high-vibrational raw foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, being turned off by the smell and even the thought of any meat and fish products. I am not a vegetarian and I normally know exactly what it is I want to eat, so experiencing this was rather strange.

3. Weird sleep patterns, strong need for extra sleep and naps


Passing out and waking up at strange hours, needing extra-long sleep time, needing naps, none of which I usually do.

4. Pressure, pain, swirling and drilling sensations around solar plexus area

5. Pressure, swirling and drilling sensations around the head

Especially around the third eye and on top of the brain underneath the scull, as if something is working directly on the brain, all of the above resulting in headaches.

6. Headaches

Headaches occurring after the “drilling” sensations and passing when I drop resistance and meditate on embracing and integrating the upgrades

7. Hearing strange sounds

People are reporting hearing the same kind of buzzing “metallic/mechanical” yet somehow really pleasant “otherworldly” sounds and also a hum that reminds them of “sounds of the spheres”.

8. Heightened sensitivity and awareness of everything around

Remember that movie “Lucy”? Something between 20% and 28%

9. Intensified senses, especially the sense of smell

My sense of smell became so strong during night time hours that all of a sudden with my eyes closed I can smell every object in my room

10. Technology malfunctions when you come near it or touch it

Lights flickering, Internet going out, cell phone shutting down or dropping calls, computer crashing, etc. My cell phone showed time as “3:11AM Jan 6” when it was 8:11AM March 16.

11. Awareness of the waves that technology produces

I normally don’t feel those so clearly, but one night I forgot to turn off my cell phone and when I woke up to do my meditation, although I wasn’t consciously aware of my phone being on, I vividly felt the waves in the room and their interference with my entering meditative state.

12. Being out of focus as if being inside a movie, especially during motion

12. Being out of focus as if being inside a movie, especially during motion

Sensation like being inside a movie and watching the road and everything around you “on screen” while walking or driving

13. Body out of coordination, loss of balance

Normally I’m pretty well-coordinated, been tripping over everything during that time

14. Quickly passing constant waves of intense conflicting and overlapping emotions

Do I want to laugh, cry, jump with joy or be upset about something all at the same time all day long?! And what is it I am actually feeling anyway?! This one has been especially uncomfortable for people.

15. Enhanced ADD-like symptoms

Officially I don’t have ADD but for about a week it felt like I did. This translated into inability to focus on one subject, an avalanche of thoughts flooding my mind all at the same time, pulling my attention in a million different directions all at once.

16. Interruption of the flow

Inability to focus or decide on what you want to do. Normally I know EXACTLY what I want to do and what feels right at every given moment. In this case it’s like your inner “GPS” is confused.

17. Strange, unfamiliar sensations in the body

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Body becoming aware of something it didn’t know nor felt before. I’m still translating this one.

18. Extra-fast healing of the body

Cuts, bruises, allergies, hives, etc. – all disappearing at incredible speed. What used to take a week to heal now takes about a day, bruises fading away almost instantly, cuts closing up, cold symptoms barely-noticeable and passing in a day or two.

19. Sudden waves of chills, goose-bumps

20. Heightened synchronicities

21. Instant manifesting of thoughts into “reality”

It is being shown to us that now more than ever before the Universe is listening to every word we are saying, every emotion we are experiencing, and turning all of it into near-instant manifestations. The stories of manifestations – both “good” and “bad” – I hear from my clients and friends and am observing in my own life are really “out there” at this time.

22. Intensified visuals in meditations

My meditative practice has become exceptionally rich with visuals, presence and multidimensional awareness.

23. Time lapses and dilation, loss of sense of time

Being able to observe “in real life” how flexible time really is.

24. Unmistakable awareness and “symptoms” of shifting timelines

This is a really “out there” one, so I’d save it for another article.

25. Re-evaluation of your individual truth

We are in the time when everything that is out of alignment with our true selves is coming up for review so powerfully it can no longer be ignored. Many people are releasing their Karmic and emotional agreements, re-evaluating their beliefs and their choices in relationships, jobs, lives and moving out of what no longer serves them in this incarnation and in this NOW.

This is what I have gathered from people around me and have been experiencing myself. Having one or two or just a few of these symptoms can be easy on the system and might even go unnoticed, but if you are simultaneously experiencing all of the above (and possibly more) it sure could get overwhelming. Take a deep breath and remember that you are not going crazy and that you definitely are not alone in this!!!

Powerful energetic adjustments we are going through collectively as a species are triggering “strange” symptoms: your physical form, your every cell doing its best to cope with and to receive the upgrades, that’s all!

Stay calm and curious, remain positive and also excited! Meditate to embrace the new energy and in your everyday life look for “proof” of your new “paranormal” abilities. Drink lots of water, get plenty of sleep, eat light high-vibrational foods, do not overeat, ground, exercise, do yoga, swim, sit with the fire, sunbathe and sungaze, rest and be kind to yourself! This phase is a part of our planet’s (and thus our own) evolution and lots of positive changes are on the way! It will pass leaving you with new abilities, expanded awareness and lots of other amazing multidimensional gifts! Rejoice!!!

I hope this helps to calm your nerves and shed some light. If you feel you need personalized help or require more information go ahead and book a private session with me via my website. Please share with anyone who might benefit from this information.

Let the LOVE be with us!

via BeLightLiving

About the author: After years of living in New York City and working in Financial Services Industry Isabella A. Greene decided to follow her true passion and became an accredited Life & Happiness Coach, Remote Spiritual Healer, Mystic & Teacher. She moved to Sedona, AZ where along with individual healing work she presently offers workshops and group healing sessions. Isabella’s life and work are her hands-on contribution to the bigger picture of awakening and evolution of human consciousness. Her own transformation out of the paradigm of drama, sickness, poor choices and suffering into reality of deep contentment, health, happiness and living her dream life serves as an inspiration to many of her clients. You can read more about Isabella and also book a session or a consultation with her at

25 Lessons, Insights, And Revelations From Old Souls

Image: Pixabay

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