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Attention Deficit Disorder And Ascension

Attention Deficit Disorder And Ascension

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by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,

The meteoric rise of children (and adults) who were diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) makes one ponder about the spiritual relevance of this anomaly.


Children and adults with ADD and ADHD commonly feel like they have a plethora of energy and need to find creative ways to expend this energy.

The key words is “energy“.

Every thought contains energy that is sent out to the universe and recreated within our societal mandlebrot as the “now”.  Many people diagnosed with ADD and ADHD, have a difficult time focusing on anything they find mundane, such as school, rules and authority figures (or anyone, in general) who cannot relate or understand them.  There are many more undiagnosed cases of ADD and ADHD where people feel this same anomaly.

People with ADD and ADHD learn coping skills to deal with this “disorder”.  In school, a child can sit in front of the class, away from any windows.  The teacher can tap the child on the shoulder if he or she notices the child drifting away from the subject being taught.  If allowed in school, the student can chew gum which also helps people with ADD or ADHD maintain focus.

As with any other medical issue, I would advise going with what your physician prescribes but in the case of ADD and ADHD, I believe it’s an over-prescribed and diagnosed “disorder” that has a definitive spiritual purpose and can be easily be controlled with coping skills.

Ironically, those with ADD and ADHD tend to think outside the box as their minds are constantly wandering.  They’re usually creative in the art and music field and have no problem maintaining focus when their minds are occupied on something they love to do.  They will come up with ideas that are so outside-the-box that others will initially discredit their ideas because the ideas are too advanced and cannot be described articulately enough for others to understand the end results.  They are often innocently forgetful and have a difficult time remembering things, past or present.


They often have a difficult time fitting into cliques and can relate to almost every clique, but many not want to be part of any of them, distancing themselves from any possible karmic debt associated with these cliques.

Some are described as “scattered,” loners or wanderers who are trying to find others who are like them or people who can accept them for who they are without conforming to societal standards.

Many feel confused as to why they have ADD or ADHD and cannot understand why other people have such an easy time remembering past or recent thoughts.

Many may feel like they “don’t belong here” and have a sense of where “home” is but it’s not necessarily “here”.

Is it a coincidence that the prevalence of ADD and ADHD has come at a time when people have incarnated to this planet with very little time to garnish and/or remember any negative karma?

Is it a possibility that ADD and ADHD are protective insurance measures that people took out when they agreed to come to this planet to help with the ascension process without having the liability of negative karmic debt?

In a world where people who have a medical diagnosis are looked at as being “different” from the norm, is this difference a blessing instead of a curse?

Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of “outside the box” professionals like myself who are willing to readdress this issue in metaphysical terms. The problem is that the APA and Big Pharma are in bed with one another, as evidenced by one of their latest disorders, orthorexia nervosa, which is basically a healthy eating disorder. You can’t make this stuff up!!

My specialty is working with at-risk youth. I developed a program to help at-risk youths, children going through the reunification process (e.g. going from a foster home to their new parents) and parents in need of parenting classes. While my program has an amazing success rate (no re-offenders back into the system as of this date), it also helps the families learn how to work with one another in addressing these issues. Many of my clients are labeled ADD/ADHD and I’ve taught them the basic coping skills that I mentioned in this article. Many of the children stated they don’t like how they feel when they’re on their medications. Is it possible that their higher selves are giving them these messages? In my opinion, yes. The medications are taking them away from their true selves when non-medicinal options are available. Of course, Big Pharma and the APA don’t want to hear this… all they want is a diagnosis and a script.

The problem with Big Pharma is that they DON’T CURE ANYTHING! They merely put a bandaid over the problem and rely on repeating, life-long business generated by the client’s psychiatrist or medical practitioner. There are other options available!!

I highly encourage other therapists and counselors to take a holistic approach to this “disorder”. Once you rule out any other possible mental illness and/or issue (such as dyslexia), dietary issues or possible life stressors, you can address this issue without the need for medication.

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One last note for parents with children who are diagnosed with ADD/ADHD: Look at what your child is eating because this may also be the cause of the problem. Try changing his or her diet to something more healthy, with less sugars and/or processed foods.

If you have ADD or ADHD, look inside yourself to the reasons why you have it and how you can use it to better yourself and others.  You were given this “gift” for a reason… it’s time to find out what that reason is.

Sending you all infinite LOVE and Light!


Click here for more articles by Gregg Prescott!

Gregg Prescott, M.S.Gregg Prescott, M.S., is the founder and editor of  In5D and Zentasia. In 2009, Gregg launched In5D after experiencing what he describes as a “galactic download,” which provided him with the name “In5D” and the guidance to create the website. He co-owns In5D Club  with his beautiful wife, Ali. His In5D Facebook page has over 370,000 followers, and his In5D YouTube channel has amassed 146,000 followers. Gregg is a visionary, author, a transformational speaker, and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents.  Follow Gregg and In5D on various social media platforms, including Rumble, YouTube, Gab, TelegramIn5D Bitchute, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and TruthSocial to stay updated on his latest content and events./

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