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Tag: sleep

33 Surprising Facts About the World of Dreams

33 Surprising Facts About the World of Dreams

By on February 12, 2023 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Welcome to the world of dreams, where the mind takes flight and the imagination runs wild. This mysterious realm is filled with endless possibilities, and holds within its depths secrets waiting to be unlocked. As we delve deeper into the world of sleep, we uncover a wealth of astonishing facts about the dream state, from […]

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13 Signs You Are Ready To Go Home To The New Earth

13 Signs You Are Ready To Go Home To The New Earth

According to late Dolores Cannon’s hypnotherapy research, a New Earth is being formed where many of us will go in the near future.  Much of this is based on vibration, not only of our planet, but each individual on this planet.

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11 Reasons To Meditate Daily

11 Reasons To Meditate Daily

By on June 9, 2019 in Meditation with 0 Comments

Here’s a short list of the benefits that come from a daily meditation practice.

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Do We Skip Over 4D?

Do We Skip Over 4D?

By on October 12, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Did you ever wonder why everyone is saying that we’re going to 5D?  What happened to 4D and what is it?

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Astral Travel For Beginners – What To Expect And 5 Tips

Astral Travel For Beginners – What To Expect And 5 Tips

By on October 6, 2017 in Meditation with 0 Comments

As you enter into the world of astral travel for beginners, you might look forward to becoming an expert, able to project yourself to any chosen destination at any time. For the time being though, accept that you are a beginner and ensure that you have all that you need in terms of peace and quiet when you try this for the first time.

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Is Anyone Else Experiencing Sleep Anomalies? In5D FB Live Ep. #7 w/ Gregg Prescott

Is Anyone Else Experiencing Sleep Anomalies? In5D FB Live Ep. #7 w/ Gregg Prescott

By on September 3, 2017 in In5D Live, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

MANY people are experiencing sleep anomalies and have attributed them to numerous peculiarities such as the recent solar eclipse, solar winds, time glitches, the time is speeding up phenomena, etc…

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Time Traveling In Your Dreams

Time Traveling In Your Dreams

By on August 23, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The thought of time traveling has always fascinated me. On a gut level, I truly feel this is a possibility. Even when I think of some of my favorite movies, they involve time travel, such as Back to the Future and Somewhere in Time.

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Waking Up Between 3-5AM Can Be A Sign Of A Spiritual Awakening

Waking Up Between 3-5AM Can Be A Sign Of A Spiritual Awakening

By on March 30, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

via RecipesForAHealthyLife, “The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don’t go back to sleep.” – Rumi Waking up at the same time every night without an alarm clock might be a sign that you need to pay attention to. You […]

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72 Possible Signs Of Alien Abduction

72 Possible Signs Of Alien Abduction

By on February 26, 2017 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

Chances are, you may have experienced at least one of these 72 signs of alien abduction.

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What Is True Love?

What Is True Love?

By on February 26, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Neda The Mystic, Contributing Writer, With the month of Valentine’s Day coming to a close, something inside many of us is still burning with fiery passion inside, longing to know if we are with “The One” or are we are on our way to “The One?” Guess what, Cupid Eyes? You’ll never find “The […]

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25 Strange “Symptoms” People Are Experiencing Worldwide

25 Strange “Symptoms” People Are Experiencing Worldwide

By on February 6, 2017 in Enlightening Articles, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Below is the list of “symptoms” I myself and majority of my friends and clients have been and are presently experiencing, many reporting exact same phenomenon.

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5 Signs Your Dreams Are Coming True

5 Signs Your Dreams Are Coming True

By on January 25, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

When things are happening for you, the Universe sends signs to tell you that your dreams are coming true. The thrill of possibility runs through you when you receive a small sign that you are on the right path.

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Solar Stream Is Hitting The Earth

Solar Stream Is Hitting The Earth

By on December 26, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Solar Stream Is Hitting The Earth – A solar stream is hitting the earth from a coronal hole in the sun, which is affecting the earth’s magnetic field. Solar storms are the thing I really feel the most – typically they can make us feel dehydrated, uncomfortable, hung over, and mess with our sleep.

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Gregg Prescott – In5D Psychic Conference Presentation

Gregg Prescott – In5D Psychic Conference Presentation

By on December 18, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Gregg Prescott talks about how to open up your third eye, the Psychology of Sleep and Dreams,  prophetic dreams, dream analysis, and the 3 tidal waves of transformation that will be arriving on our planet.

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CLAIRVOYANCE – Developing Your Spiritual Spark

CLAIRVOYANCE – Developing Your Spiritual Spark

By on November 30, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The term Clairvoyance comes from the French ‘clair’ meaning “clear” and ‘voyance’ meaning ‘vision’. It is the ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception.

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