Tag: higher dimensional

My Ayahuasca Experiences
I did my first 2 day Ayahuasca retreat last year in August of 2018. In that first 2 day ceremony, I didn’t have nearly as much happen as this one. Mostly what I remember that happened was the first night I received a very powerful neurological pathways activation in my head. It was during the part of the ceremony where the shaman did the healing. It was such a powerful activation that I was out of it the rest of the time there.

ENERGY UPDATE – Higher Dimension Level Shift
by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, In5D.com Calm, quiet and peaceful in a new way…in a new space of a new connection to Self and the Divine of a higher dimensional level. This is how one feels after going through the recent peak of energies of a ‘Dark Night of the Soul‘. (Refer to Part 1 as […]

Lisa Renee – Timelines Shift And Collapsing 3D Timelines
The pinnacle of the Ascension Cycle marks the end of the 3D collective timelines on the earth. As the planet is moving into higher frequencies that are located in a future time-space, it is shifting the planetary consciousness into a future dimensional octave.

The Arcturians – Leaving Time
The Arcturians through Sue Lie I wrote this in July when we were on the 101 Highway going to Northern California. The traffic was practically stopped, and I could “feel” the aura of all the fires that were burning in that area of the state. I remember that I asked the Arcturians about the upcoming […]

The Arcturians – Interdimensional Portals
by Suzanne Lie, The Arcturians through Sue Lie Sometimes we feel as if we are on the edge of going in to and out of time. What we have heard inside is that once we get to a certain degree of alignment with our fifth dimensional self, we begin to see reality as it is, […]

What To Expect In The 5th Dimension – Life in Higher Dimensions
Life in the Higher Dimensions as we experience Earth’s Ascension and Evolution of the Aquarian Age, looks very different than the old 3d. In this video I explain some of my experiences with Magick, Animal Telepathy, and Miracles, as well as dealing with our sensitive 5D Heart. In the Higher Dimensional life our realities will vary, and the beauty in this is we create our reality and no one can judge this, not even yourself.

Breaking The Hypnotic Code Of Reptilians – How To See Them!
Are you ready to chew bubblegum and kick ass? One of the biggest advantages the Reptilians and occult controllers of this planet have over us is the ability to use illusion while being hidden in another dimensional frequency. How effective would their domination and control plan be if the veil was lifted like in the movie “They Live”?

Archons Be Gone
Last month, I received an impassioned plea for help from beautiful, loving Lightworker who felt her skeletal system was twisting as though under a great weight. She was also experiencing vicious psychological attacks.

Quiz – Are You A Starseed?
Do you have an obsession over the stars and outer space? Have you ever experienced prophetic dreams or visions? Do you have a fascination with ancient symbols? Take the quiz below, you might be a starseed!