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ENERGY UPDATE – Higher Dimension Level Shift

By on January 17, 2017 in Energy Updates

ENERGY UPDATE - Higher Dimension Level Shift

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by Anastacia,
Australian Correspondent,

Calm, quiet and peaceful in a new way…in a new space of a new connection to Self and the Divine of a higher dimensional level.


This is how one feels after going through the recent peak of energies of a ‘Dark Night of the Soul‘. (Refer to Part 1 as this is a follow on energetically in this series)

Which is being felt more with those that have suffered from PTSD and abuse, trauma in the past more so.

Of reaching a point so extreme in such a short amount of time that one ‘peaked’ as to the emotions of this release and outlet of energy, that one ‘breaks’ through to a very new space.

In this breaking through to a very new space…one needs to be ‘careful’ of detaching as this is a breakthrough of our soul through to our spirit….the layer below to the layer above…the human to spirit.

And so while one has ‘broken through’ one is elevated or lifted into the spiritual of a higher dimensional level…to then allow a little time and space for ‘things to settle down’ in the human.

As recently (refer Pt 1) many felt in the human soul, and went through a ‘dark night of the soul’ and broke through an old ‘bubble space’ to break through into a newer higher vibrational space.


Allow time for the human to ‘recover’ and for things to ‘settle’ down so one can ‘collective’ oneself and ‘re-group’.

So keeping a link with our Soul and our Spirit, being grounded while being open to our Divine link, a balance of both is ESSENTIAL right now.

Some may need to pull back and have protection around themselves as we continue to love, honour and nurture ourselves in all we are/have been through.

As we allow time for us to ‘collect’ ourselves.

Whilst feeling this New Higher Dimensional Level Shift.

Remembering to breath and allow the energies to flow beautifully in a very new balance.

Table of Contents


Trailblazer Update – Forerunner, Transmuter, Empath Energy Update/Alert – Pt 1
Anastacia-Blue Beyond – 2017 A New Way is Here – Dark night of the soul – Breaking out of the old and into the new – 17th January 2017

Overwhelm is being felt by the energies of 2017 that are here and are coming in so different and fast in a new and different way

In less than a month, more like two weeks, the intensity built up and purged and released so intensely like never before and I mean this literally.

This is being said in a very positive way as I have been monitoring humanities progress Ascension wise for many years and documenting this in articles since pre- 2012 energies.

With all that has transpired as documented in past BB posts which are a timeline for humanity’s ascension in linking our spirit to our soul through our emotions and more recently of not being able to be in the space we were with others.

Our ascension and growth so far this new year is very different in the way of up until the recent full moon in which there was a massive or mega release and healing that came through energetically.

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Of such intense and new and different energies from previous years…that where instead of us ‘waiting’ a year or months for a ‘shift’ and release energetically, there was an intense build up of many shifts and changes that then reached a peak point with the recent full moon and purged or released.

We are talking about energetically here as to what comes to humanity collectively as all are at different phases/stages of their spiritual ascension personal path.

Especially if one is an Empath, transmuter, wayshower and the like and feels these energies so very deeply as they have done a lot of the ‘inner’ feeling, processing and healing.

Again a timeline of humanities ascension of what is coming to our planet as it comes has been shared previously on the BB.

This is the next step of where we are at and what is going on energetically. In linking our Soul to our Spirit and through our emotions.

We have reached a peak within 2 weeks of 2017 already.

A peak of those that are feeling this deeply and intensely that is being felt as a ‘dark night of the soul’…yet in a way in which we are coping better as we ARE STRONGER.

As this is very different and new.

Again, it is up to us to see and feel where we are each at as we are all feeling this differently.

So if one is not feeling this right now that is okay, that may not be part of your souls journey to do so in this way as many others are right now.

So this is for those souls who may not know what is going on and feeling this going on but feeling they are the ‘only ones’.

As they may be looking around and not seeing others going through what they are.

I can assure you, you are not alone.

‘Alone’ is being a Trailblazer for so many years (going within for 20years now) and not having anyone to bounce or refer to in what is unique in transmuting for and with humanity and then writing about with no reference point (so-to-speak) but oneself and guidance from Spirit/the Divine.

Again this is said from a positive space as to being a WaySeer/trailblazer and just what is has been for me as part of my souls journey. So for me, to be here with so many people online who are now awake compared to years ago is a wonderful blessing.

So if you are feeling these energies right now, sometimes we need to just stop and pull back and allow things to ‘settle’ as it has been an overwhelm.

As when we do this, it allows us to allow space to flow and to allow guidance to come through as to what this means for each of us.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia-Blue Beyond
Ascension Guide/Teacher
Multi-Dimensional Ancient Earth Master

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About the author: Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge in linking our Soul to our Spirit of 6D and 8D -through our Emotions of the Divine – sharing from experiencing energies herself and feeling the energies through her two souls (human 6D and spirit 8D) as they come to our planet. From 20years of personal experience in linking her soul to her spirit, through her emotions this lifetime and past lives – back to Source through the ‘abyss’ – in service to Humanity and Gaia Guiding/Teaching Humanity. Shaman, Blue Ray Elder, Pleiadian. *Divine 1:1 healings are available, please email: for further information or read pinned post* Please feel free to share this post and others in their entirety. All Rights Reserved – 2017 Anastacia

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