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Raising Vibrational Frequency

By on January 17, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Raising Vibrational Frequency

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by Angel V. Ornedo Jr.,
Contributing Writer,

It is difficult to understand vibrational frequency of our lives when negatives surround us, looking ‘humans’ prone to doing things to favor self. If you do something not in their taste, likeness or their vested interest, they will surely create a scenario of dark situations to undermine you as a person. On a grand scale as in the west, they are defense contractors of powerful governments creating wars, terrorists and rebel forces to destabilize nations and humanity to insure their continuity of monetary profits from arms manufacture and exports, all for love of money. How do you survive with light in an environment of dark pits and sinkholes if you live alone trying to fend for yourself and your family?


Questions have confronted people in all nooks and crannies of the world, they be developed, developing or underdeveloped countries. Hopelessness will try to haunt you until you calm yourself and look for solutions which are all within you, you just don’t know it yet, but they all exist within every human being on earth. It is only a matter of tapping into this power, knowing who you really are and solutions come very handy at your call. Abundance starts to flow, your desires and intentions are becoming manifested as a routine as you commune with your inner self. You are no longer controlled by the external world of darkness as love and light come in droves, the moment you realize who you really are. Go within, develop that habit of consultation and total surrender of yourself to your Higher Self and the wonders you have been seeking for come easy and things would look rosy and beautiful to your sight and senses.

Raising your vibration becomes a must as going within is the first move to converse and exchange your ideas with your higher self. Start with meditation and with practice you can go within yourself. Answers to your desires will come in seconds as you frequent and perfect the act as you connect your heart and mind of the whole complex of mind, body and spirit- MBS to your higher self. Do not be afraid that you will lost control of yourself as your Higher Self is You who has access to all information from the Akash embedded in all your cells. The Source of All That Is, God will always be around assisting your Higher Self do all your positive intentions, translated to positive deeds, actions and righteousness. You have awakened starting your trek to higher frequency of vibration. You start to realize that you are a multidimensional, immortal creator being, originally a fragment of Source when you agreed to live and incarnate on Earth. You agreed to be present in this planet precisely to increase the vibration of this sentient being. Your MBS complex is next to transfer to higher vibration after Earth in crystalline form, if you qualify. You want to return home where you come from.

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How to further raise your vibration as a human, a part of the collective consciousness raising the vibration of Mother Earth is really a journey for you as an individual as amnesia took its toll on us. Everything is individual and your path is different from the path of your brothers and sisters. Some may lag behind and others are fast entering the portal of light. Preparation is simple and easy, do a good deed though how small or menial it is to others and you start your trek to light. Think of good things happening to your neighbors although they seem to be enemies and dark beings and diamond and golden proton lights will be showered unto you, all from God. This is the period of cleansing programmed by God for all of us.

Raising your vibration is what you do now, little kindness, loving and forgiving people you do not like to see, accepting who they are, aligning your chakras, exercise, yoga, listening to classical music and songs of the whales, all restoring your innate balance. Other empaths simplify their lives by living in the interior of provinces and remote places where trees-nature abound thus communing with them directly. Parks and gardens are good places to go. Do abdominal deep breathing and refresh yourself. Look around and see the Asians doing Tai Chi and Yoga, brisk walking coupled with a vegan diet if you can, otherwise eat in moderation any food of your liking.

In summary, it is really who you are in your loving thoughts translated to positive words, righteous deeds and acts. You raise your vibrational frequency with your deeds and that is what you really are! Live on deeds my brothers, sisters and friends; you can make it in this illusionary world of trials and experience.

About the author: ANGEL V. ORNEDO JR. is an MBA-CPA, a lecturer, author of spiritual writings and books, an organization man of the corporate world by profession but he concentrates on teaching and doing acts of love, light and unity consciousness with an emphasis on providing livelihood to our fellow men. He organizes corporations and projects in the physical world, now secondary concern to his life. Link with him at or connect at Barnes and Noble, Xlibris and


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