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Tag: unconditional love

The Anunnaki MUST Return To Fix Their Creation That Has Gone Astray

The Anunnaki MUST Return To Fix Their Creation That Has Gone Astray

By on June 11, 2019 in Extraterrestrials, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

For thousands of years, our spiritual and physical capabilities have been limited through the genetic manipulation of our DNA by the Anunnaki. To modern science, this is called “Junk DNA” but in fact, the “Junk DNA” contains the dormant genetics that separate us from being literal gods and goddesses.

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A New Vibration For Humanity

A New Vibration For Humanity

By on June 6, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

As you ascend from the third dimension to higher dimensions of being, different aspects of your spiritual body are being activated. You become more aware of your spiritual nature and gain a new perspective of your journey. Your are more present in your Source connection and remove the veil between the spiritual and material worlds, with access to new possibilities for your reality.

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Being Vibrationally In-Tune And Aware

Being Vibrationally In-Tune And Aware

By on June 2, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

It is true that nothing is impossible to create or manifest as long as it is for your highest good and also beneficial to those in direct contact with you. That being said, have you noticed a difference recently with your manifestation abilities? That what you think in pure and positive thought-form is happening almost instantaneous? When the reference to manifestation is mentioned, it is for you to recognize the seemingly “small things” that may have happened for you and to you before, even months ago.

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Transcending The Illusion Of Separation Between Light Vs Dark

Transcending The Illusion Of Separation Between Light Vs Dark

By on May 31, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

How does one transcend the illusion of separation between light versus dark?  Find out below!

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Are You Feeling A Big Change Coming?

Are You Feeling A Big Change Coming?

By on May 25, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

As a Child of the Sun, you have become accustomed to creating a third dimensional physical environment around YOU through your interaction and reaction as a personal experience of reality. You are the center of your own energy construct which provides a unique perception of your world.

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5 Steps To Creating Peace Within And Success Without

5 Steps To Creating Peace Within And Success Without

By on February 12, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Do you really, truly, honestly believe that money and success ARE the keys to peace and happiness? How could you ensure that what your creating your life to be entails both Peace Within and Success Without?

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Accelerating The Ascension Process

Accelerating The Ascension Process

By on December 2, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The planet itself is going through major changes as its Schumann Resonance, the heartbeat of the Earth, steadily increases with spikes more commonly occurring. The planet is, as also reported by NASA, being bombarded with high energy gamma waves and other forms of cosmic energy. It could very likely be that the energy that our planet is receiving is also assisting in raising the overall vibration frequency of it and inhabitants. The implications that this has on human consciousness is potentially profound. As we ascend in frequency, the more we shed off old karmic patters and beliefs that limit us from our soul’s potential.

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Ascending 5D Souls

Ascending 5D Souls

By on September 7, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Bright but contrasting ideas flow-proliferate from sects, groups or opinion makers of humanity on fields still unknown and misunderstood by majority of us. Ascending humans thru our spirits or in-situ crystalline change of human bodies are discussed in biblical or metaphysical references.

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The Night I Found Love In A Hospital Room

The Night I Found Love In A Hospital Room

By on September 6, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Being an oncology nurse is like being in the Peace Corps because it’s the toughest job you’ll ever love. But I never thought something I learned from my own near death experience (NDE) would be a turning point for a minister having his dark night of the soul. This is a story of wounded healers, church hymns, and unconditional love. Their synergies created a sacred space unlike any other I have been privileged to experience.

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Ascension Continues But The Reality Is Real, Also!

Ascension Continues But The Reality Is Real, Also!

By on September 1, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Trying to figure out this journey is something that has challenged many for centuries, and this will remain the case for us also.  The mind and its complexity, especially for those more mature beings who have to transcend so much.  It is a daily task to stay balanced and not be drawn into the lower vibrations, and one that we will continue to endure.  We recognise there is no turning back as we are confronted with living in this confusing reality.

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Good Bye Linear Time – The Return To Unity Consciousness

Good Bye Linear Time – The Return To Unity Consciousness

By on August 26, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

We are in the middle of the bifurcation of timelines and realities shift. Old timelines collapse and there is no way back. While many of the early adapters are still feeling huge bi-polar shifts between the two realities and between love and fear, first movers are now entering more and more an energetic state of being that is called zero-point.

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Love Transforms And Transmutes All Lower Vibrations

Love Transforms And Transmutes All Lower Vibrations

By on May 30, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

I am reminded today, of all days, a day and time in my own life, when I truly connected with pure love energy of two incredible souls. An energy I have never experienced in my life, and one that I have come to accept as part of me. We are all energy, we are all love, and there is nothing that anyone can do to destroy that purity. I am love, I am worthy and once that flame is ignited it will never extinguish, that is the power of love.

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Supernatural Event Coming Soon!

Supernatural Event Coming Soon!

By on May 21, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S., Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, As a visionary, I receive messages through my dreams, 3rd eye, and often times, directly from Source. In the past, I’ve spoken about a dream where I saw 3 massive tidal waves that will arrive which are basically waves of transformational energy, not water.  It’s not […]

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High Vibrational Living For Soul Ascension

High Vibrational Living For Soul Ascension

By on May 21, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Perhaps you have read or overheard people talking about attaining a higher vibration. If you unclear about what this really means, or why it’s supposed to be important to you, in this artlce we are going to address both questions so that you will have a clearer understanding, and learn how to raise your frequency to make your life’s journey a smoother ride!

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Energy Report Update – DNA Recalibration – Tiffany Stiles

Energy Report Update – DNA Recalibration – Tiffany Stiles

By on May 18, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We are currently emerged and being bathed in the high vibrational frequency of gamma ray downloads and upgrades. The energy of light quotient entering the body now is off the charts!

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